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Seven LDoY rounds last weekend

19th June 1970, Page 26
19th June 1970
Page 26
Page 26, 19th June 1970 — Seven LDoY rounds last weekend
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• Highlights of the seven LDoY competitions last weekend was the fast-moving, wellorganized competition at Carlisle. This was the first event to be held in the Border city and the 69 competitors had finished the programme before 3 p.m. The Leicester committee was delighted with its 98 entries-31 down on last year but several "locals" entered at the new Nottingham centre. BOC Ltd will be well represented at this year's final; the company followed up recent successes on Sunday when three of its drivers qualified at Edinburgh. The large London entry of 164 had an unexpected side attraction when the fire brigade was called to a blaze in a yard adjoining the test area. Proceedings were not interrupted and another early finishing time was reported.

While Fleetwood cannot claim an entry of London dimensions, it is one of the most enthusiastic. Last week it became part of the holiday scene.

The civil unrest in Northern Ireland and the extremely active electioneering did not interfere with the Londonderry event which was well supported last Saturday.

Many of the Manchester class winners have been at the finals before but none was more pleased with the results than Mr C. Sharpies, of DCL, who won class H for the third time and was also the overall winner. This event was again held at the Shell Chemical plant at Partington.