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Tougher accident policy

19th January 1979
Page 7
Page 7, 19th January 1979 — Tougher accident policy
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JOHN GRANT, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Employment, has called for industry and magistrates to "wake up and toughen up" about industrial accidents.

He was presenting awards to employees of the Esso oil refinery at Milford Haven to commemorate ten years without an accident involving loss of working time.

Mr Grant said he had "no sympathy" for companies whose negligence adds to the industrial accident toll.

He also hoped that magistrates who in the past have been reluctant to impose adequate fines for breaches of health and safety laws will in future use the increased maximum penalties effectively. In 1977 there had been 1,600 prosecutions.

Mr Grant complimented Esso at Milford Haven for its efforts in the safety field.