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Three awards for tipper men

19th January 1979
Page 55
Page 55, 19th January 1979 — Three awards for tipper men
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April 6 is the big day

PPER men from all over the K will be gathering at Harroite on April 6. That is the inue for this year's Tipping invention and Exhibition It is so the day when we will aniunce the winner of Class A in ir Livery Competition.

Class A in 1979 covers all ipers from one-ton to 21-ton rrying capacity and it is open any tipper operator in Europe. le rules for entry are simple, e cost is inexpensive, and the estige value immeasurable. The 1978 standard of entry is high, proving that all tipper ,eration is not in the hands of r-by-nights. Indeed, the iality of most of the entries is highly praised by the iges.

The panel of judges are den and graphic experts and it headed by Sir Hugh Casson, NCI, President of the Royal ademy, who takes an active erest in the competition.

The object of the competion is to improve the appeaice of road vehicles and to ow the public the high indards that large sectors of i industry set and accept. The awards are meant to irk the occasion and not to

encourage pot-hunters. CM will present a silver salver and diplomas of commendation may be awarded by the judges. The Road Haulage Association Tipper Group will present a trophy for the best RHA entry. The Edbro Group will present a trophy to the best entry on a body built by any Edbro distributor.

The closing date is February 16 at 12 noon and entries must reach us by that time or they cannot be accepted.

The rules.

a. Submit four 35mm colour transparencies, mounted, showing the front, rear and both sides of the vehicle, b. Use this entry form or the one which appeared in CM on January 5.

c. Enclose a cheque or postal order for £5.

d. Submit to this address to reach us not later than 12 noon on February 16.

The results will be published in CM on April 6 and the presentation will take place on the same day.

We suggest that using a professional photographer for your transparencies will result in good quality reproduction.