Leyland Cub Sales Arrangements.
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Leyland Motors, Ltd., informs us that its policy is to sell its Cub goods model almost entirely through the trade. In fact, in this country this type will be marketed exclusively through the trade, except in the case of municipalities and owners of large fleets.
Although the company reserves the right to deal direct in such cases, it does not necessarily wish to do so. This proviso is included in the agents' agreements only because the company cannot, in such instances, give the trade complete protection.
In order to facilitate distribution, traders having premises and an organization suitable for the sale and servicing of the Cub model are to be appointed as authorized agents, but until this is effected the Leyland depots in .various parts of the country will act as distributing centres.
Everything for the Bodybuilder.
A. comprehensive new catalogue containing 108 pages gives a clear idea of the wide range of business handled by William Marston, Ltd., 28-34, Albert Street, Birmingham. This company is, of course, responsible for marketing a large variety of fittings for motor vehicles, including seats, destination indicators, lamps, adjustable windows and windscreens.
Already nearly 2,000 of these publications have , been distributed. The sizes and prices of the various products listed are clearly stated and reference to any particular item is facilitated by an alphabetical index. On the last few pages of the catalogue attractive patterns of upholstery and lace are illustrated, as well as various " luxury " fittings. Practically every product that is mentioned is illustrated.
Brush Bodyworks Busy.
The Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Falcon Works, Loughborough, has recently received a number of important municipal orders, amongst which can be mentioned the followingi—From Burnley Corporation for eight double-deck bus bodies with central entrances and double staircases, six to be mounted on A.E.C. chassis and two on Crossley oil-engined chassis ; from Hull Corporation for 10 doubledeck bodies and five single-deck bodies for mounting on A.E.C. chassis ; from Coventry Corporation for five doubledeck bus bodies, three to be mounted on
B22 Maudslay chassis and two on those of Dennis make ; from Stockton Corporation a repeat order for six double-deck bodies to be erected on Daimler chassis.
In addition, the company has also received some important orders from established operating concerns, one being from the Western Transport Co., Ltd., for 21 single-deck bus bodies built to B.E.F. designs, and another from Hants and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., for eight single-deck bodies for mounting on Leyland chassis.
What Are Running Repairs?
The Northern Ireland Fares Tribunal.
The important inquiry into bus fares which is being undertaken by the Ulster Pares and Rates Tribunal, under the chairmanship of Sir Lynden Macassey, K.C., has reached a position at which several difficult proposals have arisen, and the tribunal has decided to invite independent examination of the operators' proposals by experts, who will give evidence at a later stage. Some of the leading interests concerned are those of the Belfast Omnibus Co. Ltd., Messrs. H. M. S. Catherwooi, the Great Northern Railway and the London, Midland and Scottish Railway.
Blaenavon Urban District Council has appointed a sub-committee of motorusing members of the council to decide what are to be considered as running repairs coining within the scope of lorry-drivers' duties.
The question arose from the presentation, at a council meeting, of an account from a motor engineer for changing valves on one of the refuse collection lorries. Some of the members contended that such work should be carried out by the drivers, who were engaged to effect "running repairs" as well AS to drive.
The surveyor said that a definition of running repairs supplied by a motor manufacturer included decarbonization.
" Western National" Capital Increase.
In our issue dated January 5th we announced the acquisition by the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., of a controlling interest in the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., the purchase having been effected through the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and we now learn that the last-named organization has increased its nominal capital by £1,083,576. This is divided into 800,000 6-per-cent. cumulative preference shares and 283,576 ordinary shares. of £1 each. The nominal capital of the. company is now £2,083,576, comprising 1,400,000 preference shares and 683,576 Ordinarrehares.
• The company has purchased from the Great Westtrn Railway Co. 89,280 4 per cent, cumulative preference shares and 660,270 ordinary shares of £1 each in the Bristol Tramways undertaking.
America's Exports Still Suffering.
October last proved to be a some-what notable month as regards the overseas trade in American vans, lorries and buses. An important feature was that for the first time the number of industrial vehicles exported from the United. States exceeded that of .private cars, whilst there was a slight improvement in the demand, as compared with the same month of 1930.
The exports during October, 1231, amounted to 4,474 vehicles, bringing up the total for the first 10 months of the A sign of the times. Scenes in the extensive Gardner works at Patti.. croft, near Manchester, showing (left) a number of oil engines on the erecting line, and (below) oil engines for road vehicles under.
going a prolonged bench test.
year to 43,444:, machines, valued at £4.554,572, as contrasted with 73,801 and £9,856,018 respectively in 1930.
The shipments comprised 6,125 vehicles of capacities up to a ton, 32,569 between a ton and 30-cwt., 3,327 between 30-cwt. and 2i-tons, 1,251 over 24 tons, and 172 bus chassis. America's best markets in the order of their importance, are Belgium, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, India, Spain, South Africa and the Dutch East Indies.
Personal Pars.
The transport committee of Manchester Corporation has recorded high appreciation of the services of Mr. Adcock, the • deputy • town clerk, in connection with applications for roadservice licences.
Parks of Portsmouth, Ltd., an oldestablished Southsea concern of removal and warehousing contractors, has appointed Mr. H. E. Trowel], from its head office, as the company's London manager.
Chesterfield Corporation's transport committee has expressed its appreciation of the services of Ur. R. Hoggard, the transport manager, who has, during the past 12 months, reduced the running costs of the transport undertaking b3. approximately 1d. per vehicle-mile.
Mr. W. Vane larlancl, at present the general manager and engineer of the tramways and ' motor department at Walsall, has been appointed transport general manager at Leeds. Mr. Vane Morland has in the past contributed interesting articles to the columns of this journal.
On ,March 1st, Mr. David James, M.Inst.T.;J.P., will retire from the position of managing director of South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., the Mumbles Light Railway Co., Ltd., and the Swansea Improvements and Tramways Co., Ltd. Mr. James has been associated with the companies for 50 years and will retain his seat on the boards of directors, and he will act in a special advisory capacity to the companies.
As mentioned in our issue for last week, Mr. P. It. Blake, A.BLI.E.E., M.Inst.T., who, for 7-i years has been general manager of the Scottish General Transport Co., Ltd., will succeed Mr. James as general manager of the companies named.
A Paper on the Effects of the Act.
Mr. F. G. Bristow, F.C.I.S., is to read a paper entitled " The First Effects of the Road Traffic Act, 1930," before members of the West Midland Centre of the Commercial Motor Users Association, of which organization he is general secretary. The meeting will take place on January 22nd, at 3 p.m, at the Chamber of Commerce, New Street, Birmingham.
At 7.15 p.m. on the same day the annual drivers' supper and concert will be held at the Crown Hotel, Hill Street, Birmingham.
Bus Services in Torquay District.
The traffic committee of Torquay Corporation has received letters from Mr. R. J. Tallack, of Maidencombe, with
regard to a bus service from Torquay to Maidencombe. It has been reported that the South Devon Area Advisory Committee also has considered the matter and is of the same opinion as the Traffic Commissioners, namely, that the passenger traffic between Maidencombe and Torquay does not justify increased services at the present' time. 9.'he committee, therefore, AaS decided to take no action. •
Welding Engineers' Meeting.
A meeting of the Institution of Welding Engineers will be held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, London, S.W.1, on January, 21st, at 7.45 p.m., when Mr. J. McNeil will read a paper entitled " Nickel and its Non-ferrous Alloys, with Special Reference to Welding."
Westinghouse Trading Results.
In the year ended September 30th, 1931, the Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., made a Profit of 190,054, including dividends received from subsidiary and associated organizations and after providing for depreciation, income tax, etc. Adding the amount brought into the accounts, there is a sum of £104,763 available.
The directors have transferred £7,500
One of two Thorny.. croft 3-ton rigid six. wheelers with special turntable trailers supplied to the Bombay, Burmesh Trading Corporation, Ltd., for the haulage of teak logs from the Burmah forests to the riverhead, thus superseding elephant transport. The trailers are arranged to give a variable wheelbase ranging from 13 ft.
to 30 ft.
to the depreciation reserve account for special replacements and 115,000 to the reserve for contingencies, and have increased the general reserve to £130,000 by transferring £10,000. A dividend of 5 per cent. (less tax) for the year is recommended, leaving an amount of £27,719 to be carried forward. '
Belgian Buyers• of Morris-Commercials.
At the 25th Automobile Salon held in Brussels during December, MorrisCommercial products, which were the only British-built industrial vehicles on view, scored an outstanding success. The King of the Belgians made a special inspectionof the company's stand, which attracted many visitors. We are informed that excellent business was 'done and that orders for nearly 100 vehicles for Belgian buyers were booked.