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Volvo recalls His and FIJI

19th December 1996
Page 9
Page 9, 19th December 1996 — Volvo recalls His and FIJI
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by David Harris • Volvo is recalling 400 FL10 and FL7 trucks because of faulty V-stays locating the rear axle.

All the vehicles were made in the past few months: Volvo says it initiated the recall after four failures in the V-stays and a series of inspections revealed the weakness.

The recall was issued last Friday to the operators of the 400 vehicles affected in Britain and Ireland. The spokesman says that 120 vehicles are already being fixed and that all the vehicles should have been fixed by next week.

"We are hoping to have 80% modified by the end of this week," says the spokesman. The vehicles affected are those with four-spring air suspension.

He adds: "We are trying to provide replacement vehicles for operators wherever possible." The recall is also in force overseas, but Volvo says that because the air-suspension FL10 and FL7 variants are particularly popular here. Britain and Ireland are the countries most affected.