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French stall over compensation

19th December 1996
Page 9
Page 9, 19th December 1996 — French stall over compensation
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• British Government promises to force the French to deal quickly with compensation claims from British hauliers after the lorry drivers' blockade look increasingly brittle. It is three weeks since the blockade ended and trade associations admit there are still no firm details of how the claims will be processed. The French have told British officials that is unlikely any claims will be processed in the next four months.

"We hove seen nothing in black and white from the French," says a Road Haulage Association spokesman. Nevertheless, the RHA and the Freight Transport Association are advising members this week to register claims for compensation as soon as possible.

The two trade associations will process claims from members free of charge and pass them on to the French authorities. The French have indicated claims will be accepted in English; they will then go to the French Transport Department which will pass them on to the individual region—the 75 prefectures—in which the vehicles were held up. The prefectures have four months to reply to claims but it could take longer than that for UK hauliers to be compensated.