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Cleared over fly-tipping

19th December 1996
Page 21
Page 21, 19th December 1996 — Cleared over fly-tipping
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A tipper operator was cleared of fly-tipping after Chorley magis trates accepted he had taken all reasonable steps to prevent it happening.

Jonathan Carter, prosecuting, said Steven Parr, trading as Steve Parr Haulage, of Coppull, was warned in August about unauthorised tipping at Coppull Hall Farm yet a vehicle was subsequently seen to tip there. It was the person who controlled the vehicle who committed the offence, said Carter, as the person had knowledge of the offence whether instructions had been given or not and it was not always possible to identify the driver.

Ian Whalley, defending, said just because the driver was an employee did not mean Parr was in control of the vehicle. He had been on holiday at the time.

Whalley said that following the August incident, the driver had been given instructions not to tip at the farm again. There was a defence of due diligence, said Whalley. He maintained that in giving the driver specific instructions not to tip at the farm, Parr had done all that he could.