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Rail Plea for More Evidence Fails

19th December 1958
Page 43
Page 43, 19th December 1958 — Rail Plea for More Evidence Fails
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DESPITE a plea by British Railways that insufficient evidence had been put forward, a B licence was last week granted to J. Stamper (Farms), Ltd., Dearham, West Cumberland, for the carriage of livestock within 100 miles of base.

Mr. Richard Stamper, managing director, told the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. Lindsay, that they had three dairy farms producing 400 gallons of milk a day, and they also carried on business as hauliers.

Mr. F. J. McHugh, for the railways, submitted that up-to-date figures of hiring should be produced, together with witnesses showing need for the licence.

Mr. Lindsay granted the application. subject to a C licence being surrendered.

ROLLS-ROYCE ENGINES FOR CANADIAN MODELS NIEW 15-30-ton lorries to be built by the 1 International Harvester Co. of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, are to be fitted with Rolls-Royce oil engines made in Shrewsbury. This was announced last week by Mr. R. B. Bradley, president. Formerly about 250 heavy vehicles were imported each year from the U.S.A. at a cost of about £1.7m. Mr. Bradley added that his concern intended to build or buy as large a proportion of component parts as possible in Canada and Britain.

COMETS FOR ROCKET TOWN rILAI1VIED to be the largest articulated buses ever built in South Australia. three Leyland Comet 63-passenger outfits have been supplied to the Department of Supply, Woomera, to carry scientists and technicians from the township to the rocket range. The semi-trailers were built by the Freighters Company at a total cost of nearly £A15,000. The steel bodies are 43 ft. 6 in. long and have 12 seats above the coupling, two rows of 29 double-seats and a five-passenger seat at the rear.

BEAVERS FOR V.H.S. VALUED at more than £60,000, two V orders which have been placed by the Vehicle Hire and Supply Co., Ltd.. Rushden, Northants, with Leyland Motors. Ltd., call for 22 Beaver 14B.10 tractors. When used with a two-axled semi-trailer, this type of prime mover has a maximum gross rating of 24 tons. a9