A New Coach Station and Drivers' Hostel
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JN'the old horse-coaching days coach stations invariably offered accommodation to the drivers as well as stabling for the horses. Many modern coach stations are springing up in all parts of the country, but few of them incorporate means for affording a comfortable resting place for the drivers. We learn of a new scheme that is afoot for the construction of a coach station in Warner Street, London, E.C.1, which is a continuation of Hatton Garden and very conveniently located for the main roads betweenLondon and the north, north-west and north-east of England.
The promoters of the idea, who for the present style themselves Gold Band
Partners and have an office at Monument House, Monument Street, Londen, E.C.3, have an option on a valuable site in this street and their intention is to construct a tall building which will house about 100 coaches or goods vehicles, as well as accommodating 144 drivers and other transport workers.
The site has a frontage on an inclined road and this will permit direct access for vehicles to the first floor, as well as to the ground floor. It is intended that there shall be, in all, five upper floors devoted to garaging space, two electric lifts being installed capable of raising the heaviest vehicles. At the side will be a separate section of the building. devoted to a hostelry. The ground floor and first floor will be laid out as, a buffet and restaurant respectively, six upper storeys being divided into bedrooms and small cubicles. There will be two bathrooms on each floor.
The intention of the promoters is to provide passengers with all the ordinary amenities of a coach station, to accommodate the coaches and their drivers at night, to provide catering arrangements at all hours of the day and night and to allow the parking in the daytime of motorcars, goods vehicles an3 roaches at a reasonable cost. The charge for sleeping accommodation for a driver will probably be about 2s. per night.