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First Full-fronted Body from South Wales ?

18th August 1950, Page 37
18th August 1950
Page 37
Page 37, 18th August 1950 — First Full-fronted Body from South Wales ?
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cLALMED to be the first full-fronted passenger Vehicle to be completed in South Wales, a Dennis 33-seater coach was recently supplied by Messrs. D. J. Davies, Cyfartha Works, Merthyr Tydfil, to a local operator, S. A. Bebb, Ltd. A 30-ft. by 8-ft. model of a similar type, also based on a Dennis Lancet

111 chassis, will be shown at Earls Court in September.

Good vision for the driver is a feature of the cab. It has been achieved by providing 26-in.-deep windscreen panels with moulded Perspex corners and 11-in. pillars. The saloon windows are also 26 ins, deep, and the two centre windows on each side are of the fulldrop type with duplicated winding racks. The seats have DunTopillo back squabs and are shaped so that there is ample leg room for a passenger of over • 6 ft. tall.

Twin sliding roofs are fitted, with. the advantage that a large opening area is provided without weakening the dome structurally. The seats, windows, louvres, sliding-roof gear, destifiation frames and all panelling are manufactured by Messrs. Davies, and this has given added latitude in planning the general layout and constructional details of the bodywork. Other features include an H.M.V. Racliomobile fourspeaker set, a built-in Clayton heater and demister, rose-tinted gangway lights for night travel and four Weathershields "Flomatie " ventilators.

In the construction the usual Davies practice is followed of flitching every cross-member and pillar with steel

plates. The waist and longitudinal members are cOntinuous and the full length seat rail is of angle iron. All the window corners are fitted with Yalumininum blocks.