London Transport Replacement Plans
Page 33
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QINGLE-DECK buses and coaches '-)are the subject of the latest replacement programme formulated by the London Transport, Executive. Plans have been made, "The Commercial Motor" understands, to order a total of 790 single-deck vehicle's, with delivery to start in 1951.
All of these will have underfloor engines, and in future London Transport intends wherever possible to use 30-ft. single-deckers. In consequence, 630 of the new buses will be 30 ft. long, the remaining 260 being 27 ft. 6 ins. long. Included in the orders will be one for 200 coaches for Green Line routes. These vehicles will seat 39 passengers, compared with 41 in the buses. Some of the coaches will be used for private hire.
No details of the makes to be ordered have yet been eiven.