Heavy Hauliers Work Together
Page 33
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CONDITIONS of membership of the Road Haulage Association's heavy haulage group have now been widened to admit members who carry machinery and provide the necessary facilities for loading and unloading. The group will be called the heavy haulage and machinery carriers' group.
A new heavy haulage gazeteer, available from the head office at 146, New Bond Street, London, W.1, and area offices, gives details of members engaged in the transport of heavy indivisible loads, and members who carry machinery.
A system of inter-working has been evolved by members of the group, the aim being to ensure that a customer who approaches any member will be put into touch with the free operator best able to handle his traffic.
ACOAL merchant who was refused a licence by the Scottish Licensing Authority to carry goods for a farmer and a grocer in a 30-cwt. lorry within a five-mile radius of Skelmorlie. Ayrshire, appealed against the decision.
Sitting in Glasgow last week, the " Appeal Tribunal, presided over by Mr. Sherwood Calver, K.C., upheld the decision of the Authority, being satisfied that a coal lorry was unsuitable for the carriage of groceries.
WE regret to record the death of VI MR. LIONEL W. GAGE, director and transport manager of Joseph Burton and Sons. Ltd.. a large grocery concern of Nottingham. As transport manager, he built up is fleet of 200 vehicles which operated over the southern half of England and Wales.
NEW registrations fell sharply in May. The total for the month was 10,901, compared with 17,789 in April. The drop in new registrations of goods vehicles from 12.876 in April to 5.303 in May was perhaps connected with the original proposal of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to charge purchase tax as from May I.