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st Seven former employees of Go-Ahead Northera this week took the company to an industrial tribunal they were unfairly dismissed.

18th April 1987, Page 22
18th April 1987
Page 22
Page 22, 18th April 1987 — st Seven former employees of Go-Ahead Northera this week took the company to an industrial tribunal they were unfairly dismissed.
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The busmen, led by Norman McCulloch, claim they were sacked when GoAhead Northern discovered they were considering setting up a rival bus company. "They told us we were sacked because our actions were contrary to their commercial interests," says McCulloch, "but ironically, if we had not been sacked we might not have done anything."

McCulloch says they first considered setting up a separate company when they were told they would have to work longer hours for less money after deregulation took place.

Their new firm, NorthEast Bus Services.

operates 10 vehicles in the Gateshead area and employs 17 drivers.

A judgement in the case has been reserved and is expected by the end of the month.