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IC adjourns to examine driver's claims of force

17th October 2002
Page 27
Page 27, 17th October 2002 — IC adjourns to examine driver's claims of force
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A disciplinary

inquiry against a I Stranraer haulage firm has been adjourned following allegations from a dryer that he was forced to fiddle tachograph records by his bosses,

Alasdair and Andrew Scott, trading as Alex Scott & Son, of Drummore, Stranraer, and two of their drivers, had been called before Scottish Traffic Commissioner Michael Betts at a Stranraer disciplinary inquiry. They hold a licence for 12 vehicles and two trailers.

Traffic examiner John Quinn said an investigation was launched in response to allegedons that drivers employed by Scottish subcontractors of transport giant Norfolk hne were falsifying tachograph records to meet delivery times. A number of anonymous letters

had been received from drivE engaged on the work, Norfolk Line held contra with Sainsbury's, Tesco, Bit Distribution and Coolche among others. Tachogre records were obtained for 14 and June 2001, together vs manifests from Stena Line e gate tickets from various RD It was found that drivf Hugh McFadden and John 131 had hidden the fact they h taken insufficient dairy rE Blair claimed that he had bE ordered to fiddle his charts Alasdair Scott, Howe), McFadden made no such cla Quinn said Alasdair Sc had said McFadden and BI were no longer with the firm e he had described Blair as all Kelly said that Blair, who v not present, had made the mi serious allegations e therefore must be Question' Betts adjourned the proceedir for 21days so Blair could atte