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Rates call I t seems that almost every week in the

17th October 1996
Page 34
Page 34, 17th October 1996 — Rates call I t seems that almost every week in the
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

pages of Commercial Motor we see stories of hauliers deciding to close up shop because rates are too low.

This may seem painfully obvious, but if haulage costs are rising, and a number of extremely well-know names are pulling out of the business, aren't we standing at the edge of an abyss?

If the likes of Blackpool Van Transport and Hills Haulage from Pybebridge can't stand the heat then surely it is time for bosses to stand up to pressure from customers and demand more money for the job. After all, we are in a period of economic growth, there are driver shortages and hauliers should be flexing their muscles with their customers in order to secure their future.

Bosses have never found it too hard to say "no" to drivers—why shouldn't they be strong at saying the same to those customers wanting to keep rates low?

Jo Chesterton, Ipswich„Safiblle.