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Cool reaction to drug hotline

17th October 1996
Page 24
Page 24, 17th October 1996 — Cool reaction to drug hotline
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by Lee-Kimber • A widely published Customs & Excise drugs hotline number that allows drivers to report suspicious behaviour is a waste of time because it cannot be rung from abroad, a London owner driver Hendon-based Tony Burrows says no one answered the Customs freefone number he rang when he noticed two cars following his truck as he drove from CasteIlan, Spain, in September last year. He was later arrested at Dover when Customs found 200kg of cannabis resin in his sidebox.

Since then he has been unable to work because Customs have failed to bring his case to court or release his trailer. The business lost after his arrest means he cannot afford to maintain his tractor or pay its repair bills.

"All I want is the chance to clear my name," he says. "This is doing me in."

His solicitor Laurie Waite says there could be any number of reasons for the delay, including problems with the evidence or contacting witnesses.

Customs intelligence officials refused to comment on the Burrows case this week and claim the 0800 595000 Drug Smuggling Action Line is permanently manned.

"I can say that with confidence," an official says. But no one answered when CM tested the number seconds just after the official made the claim.

Subsequent attempts were answered after several minutes or not at all.

Intelligence officials say they have no idea whether the number can be dialled from abroad and advised drivers who are suspicious to contact the nearest policeman.

Dover Customs say anyone with suspicions about drug smuggling can contact its Central Control Unit on 01304 2I5639—a number which can be dialled from abroad.