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I toring Iffences

17th November 1979
Page 7
Page 7, 17th November 1979 — I toring Iffences
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

E LAW as it affects lorry vers will not be considered ring the Government iew of motoring offences. [le case of these drivers I been raised by John Preat (Labour, Hull East), who nted out that in adjusting r laws to the present ropean strictures they ,uld be required to work up 16 hours, five more than der the present regulations. -le asked the Transport nister, Norman Fowler, to Is-der the anomalies that sted as a result of imposing F..uropean uniformity in our vs, and the difference in the ialties lorry drivers faced in s country and Europe for same offence.

Vlr Fowler also observed It a review of road-traffic v was long overdue.

che Home Secretary and he d therefore selected the ed penalty system and the [dig-up procedure for a _nt review with represen:ives of the bodies which ministered the laws. Others, 2h as the motoring organticns, also had a contribuin to make and would be nsulted.