The Best of Two Worlds O NE of the advantages claimed
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for all-metal coach bodies is that fully jigged and tooled production lines permit the fabrication of large numbers of interchangeable parts with which a range of bodies can be assembled. Composite construction, on the other hand, enables a variety of designs to be produced without special production techniques.
Combining the advantages of both methods, in bodies of wood and metal, Churchill Constructors, Ltd., Salhouse Road, Norwich. has introduced a standard type of body, adaptable to any available chassis. When fitted to the Commer Avenger, a patented front structure is incorporated, whereby good accessibility to the engine is achieved and a 34th seat is made available. This is on the 15-ft. 9-in, wheelbase chassis, but production of 30-ft. bodies for chassis with the longer wheelbase of 17 ft. 3 ins. is commencing, and 38-40-seater versions will soon be delivered.
To ensure good accessibility, the engine cover is affixed to a part of the front gangway, to side panels under the driver's seat and the near-side passenger's seat. Locked by quick
release fittings, the entire section can be lifted, leaving ample space above and around the engine for normal maintenance tasks. The single scat is fitted above the cover, over the near-side wheel-arch.
Ash, reinforced with steel plates and gussets, is used for the underfrarne and main body frame. The main longitudinals are of angle iron. All the woodwork is treated with Permasan solution. Exterior side and rear panels are of 18-gauge aluminium, the joints being sealed with aluminium straps. Stainless-steel pillar flashing. iS used. The windows are flush-glazed, three on each side being of the half-drop type. A single Ashanco lnlex ventilator is fitted to the roof at the front, supplemented by an air extractor in the centre of the rear panel below the dome. Louvres are fitted over all th2 side windows to ensure draughtless ventilation when the windows are open. Heaters may be fitted.
Between the waist and the kicking panels the interior is lined with rep. The ceiling and sliding roof (a standard fitting) are covered with Rex inc and the seats are upholstered in moquette. Parcel racks run along both sides above the seats and in the cab. Other interior equipment includes a clock between decorative panels behind which the radio speaker may be fitted. Wiring for the radio is provided with the lighting circuit. A large luggage container occupies the space beneath the rear seats. Corner bumpers at the rear, a full-width front bumper and side rubbing strips protect the body from damage in traffic.