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Mileage Down But Surplus Yielded

16th September 1960
Page 101
Page 101, 16th September 1960 — Mileage Down But Surplus Yielded
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AN overall mileage reduction of 343,293 was effected by Nottingham Transport Department during the year ended March 31 last. Trolteybus mileage was reduced from 4,398,560 to 4,053,109. Motorbus mileage rose from 8,633,488 to 8,635,646. There was a net surplus on the year's working of £10,479, compared with one of £3,723 in 1958-59.

At £2,038,388, total income last year was down by £8,501, compared with 1958-59. Working expenses were, however, £9,993 lower and loan charges (£199,202last year) were £5,264 lower.

Consumption of fuel increased front 1,017,000 gallons in 1958-59 to 1,029,000 gallons last year. The number of service miles per gallon dropped to 8.394 from 8.493. A total of 341,500 gallons of home-produced fuel derived from coal were purchased. The number of passengers carried dropped by 837,934 or 0.6 per cent., compared with a drop of 2.1 per cent, the previous year. Tyre expenditure was reduced by 9.6 per cent.