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16th November 1926
Page 68
Page 68, 16th November 1926 — A BRITISH LORRY'S FEAT OVERSEAS.
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Recounting the Main Features of a Journey from Cordoba to Buenos Aires.

WE are at all times interested to learn of the activities of British commercial vehicles abroad, if for PO other reason than that so many machines are shipped overseas without any trace of their performances subsequently coming to light. This is to be regretted, and, although some manufacturers keep track of their machines through their local depots or service agents, much more might be done in the way of propaganda to show that the leading makes of British goads and passenger vehicle are every bit the equal of their competitors for service under the arduous conditions often encountered in foreign countries.

Dennis Brothers, Ltd., of Guildford, have for long paid close attention to export trade, and various types of their vehicles are in use in all parts of the world. A machine of the company's manufacture—a 3I-4-tonner—recently .undertook a trying journey from Cordoba to Buenos Aires, with the object of demonstrating the capabilities of the

vehicle under adverse conditions of service. It was 6 p.m. an an evening some weeks ago when the vehicle, with a load of 90 sacks of bran weighing just on 4 tons, set out on its 550-mile trip.

The prospects were not inviting, and reports had made it clear that the roads in some parts were in a bad state on account of heavy rains. This is not surprising, for earth roads, which are quite goad for carrying motor traffic when thoroughly hard and dry, soon become quagmires of slimy mud in wet weather. A two hours' run brought the party to Rio Segundo, where a halt was made for the night.

The following day an early start was made and Villa Maria was reached shortly after midday, the journey later being continued to San Marcos, which became the headquarters for the night. The third day was spent in travelling to Rosario, the mileage of 312, which was recorded when this centre was reached, 'having been accomplished in slightly over 20 hours' running time. Business detained the party in Rosario on the following morning, but the road was taken at 3 p.m., and Arrecifes reached the same evening. It was POW that the first real taste of bad roads was met, for the surfaces so far as Rosario had been comparatively good, with stretches of tarmac. But from this point the road conditions became steadily worse, and at times it seemed that the progress of the lorry might be barred.

An eleven hours' run on the following day brought the vehicle to San Andre de Giles. and it was the intention of those on board to proceed during the night until they received warning of what to expect from certain men who knew the road ahead. In some places the road gave way to swamps and, although the power of the engine was sufficient to meet the demands made upon it, the driving wheels could not obtain a grip in these notches.

It, therefore, became necessary to rig up special tackle, and this was done in the following manner. Two iron bars were fixed in the ground 40-50 ft. in front of the lorry and in line with the track of the wheels. Lengths of 1 in. rope were then made fast to these bars and the loose ends of the rope attached firmly to the rear wheels. The lorry was then put into first gear and the wheels, acting as pulleys, wound up the rope, thus assisting the vehicle through. the worst parts of the road. Several touring cars were met, but lacking special apparatus they were unabk to get through these swamps and the Dennis lorry was used to help them.

San Andre de Giles was left at 8 a.m. the next day, and after passing through Lujan Y Rodriguez the lorry arrived at Moreno late at night. Buenos Aires was now within a comparatively few hours' run_ and -it was reached on the following day at 3 p.m., but not before several exceedingly bad stretches had been overcome after passing Puente Marques. The run was completed on the eighth day out of Cordoba. Some idea of the, difficulties of the run can be imagined when we mention that at least 50 swamps were crossed after the party left San Nicholas. Those who travelled on the lorry speak of its performance' with much praise.