RAC joins AVRO
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HE Royal Automobile Club is le latest recruit to the everrowing ranks of the Associaion of Vehicle Recovery rperators (AVRO).
Announcing this at AVRO's nnual conference and exhibion last weekend at Droitwich, tanager of the RAC recovery arvice Dick Wilkinson also demded the RAC against a barge of questions and occasional ccusations from delegates.
As the Automobile Associaon's Peter Johnson put it: "The potlight on the clubs ornetimes feels more like a iser."
Rates, "pirating" and equiplent standards and service (ere the most contentious ubjects, but the underlying lajor cause of worry was the eneral lack of business. The onsensus of opinion was that iere was nothing the recovery lubs or anyone else could do ut wait for the recession to ease ff.
But executive director of the owing and Vehicle Recovery ,ssociation of America John awkins encouraged delegates. he USA, he said, was also suf)ring from recession but the re°very companies which were le most smartly turned out /ere suffering the least.
He praised AVRO for the work was doing and congratulated le Association on its four uccessful years.