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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficuftiei of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by
the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie CTOZibr.
The Institute Congress.
The London Congress oi the Institute of Transport opens to-day (Tuesday) with a reception by the President, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., at. the Hotel Metro-, pole. To-morrow (Wednesday) three papers will be read in the morning, and m the afternoon various works and undertakings will be visited by different parties of members and delegates. In the evening the Lord Mayor of London will entertain the congress at a conversazione at the Mansion House from 8 p.m. till 11 p.m. Further papers, including one by Sir John E. Thornycroft, will be read on Thursday morning, followed by a further round of visits in the afternoon, the third dinner of the Institute being held in the evening at the Savoy Hotel. Three papers will be read on Friday morning and one on Friday afternoon, whilst, other visits will occupy the attention of the Congress on Friday afternoon and Saturday. The headquarters of the Congress will be the Hotel Metropole.
Brown Brothers, Ltd.
The report of the directors of Brown Brothers, Ltd., for the year ended December 17th shows a profit of £33,608 after making provision for all taxation, depseciation on leaseholds and fixtures, directors' fees, etc., which, together with the amount of £29,619 brought forward from the previous year, leaves a sum of £63,227 to be disposed of. A 71 per cent, dividend on the cumulative preference shares absorbs £16,875, whilst £1,673 is transferred to reserve 'account (being 10 per cent, on the net profits), making this fund £121,673, and a dividend of 5 per cent, (4 per cent. interim clivklencl has already been paid) will absorb £18,705, leaving 225,929 to be carried forward.
The directors can certainly review the past year's trading with gratification.
Ignoring the Ministry.
An unusual ground for refusing to grant motor omnibus licences to private proprietors, even in face of the Ministry of Transport's request that the licences should be issued, has been advanced by the Cardiff Corporation Watch Colnmittee. The decision of the committee has aroused , considerable feeling of indignation amongstlocal proprietors, and the public, through the local Press, has also vented its disapprobation. On May 10th the committee considered two Ministry letters, the first with reference to the previous decision not to issue permits for services on the Barry-Cardiff route. The demand for motorbus provision is gauged by the fact that applications were considered in respect of 30 Barry vehicles and six Cardiff-owned machines. Bus proprietors claim that an alternative method of travel to the railways should be. offered.
The Ministry also informed the council that refusal,to issue permits was not justified. Councillor Sydney Jenkins urged that the Ministry should be disregarded. The Cardiff Corporation had wished to run a service on this routs, but had been refused running rights into B6 Barry by the local council, who had stated that the present bus services were adequate. It, was stated that no formal demand by the-corporation. had lately been made for running rights to the Barry Council. By a majority of one vote it was decided to reject the Ministry's advice and not to issue licences.
The Ministry's second letter asked the council to reconsider a refusal to grant permits to the Tresillian Motor Co. for a daily bus service between Cardiff and Pontypridd. This, it was added, would obviate the necessity of the Ministry issuing authority direct to the company. No decision was arrived at, but in this case licences will probably be granted.
Loan on Wolverhampton Buses.
Wolverhampton Corporation Tramways Committee suggests obtaining sanction from the Ministry of Transport for a loan for a period of six years of £14,385, representing the present value of the existing omnibuses, after allowing for depreciation.
Electrics in New Zealand.
During 1921, 26 electric commercial motor vehicles, valued at £10,587, were imported into New Zealand. Only one vehicle was of British origin, the remainder being of American construction. Here, surely, is a chance for the British manufacturer who has an eye; on the development of overseas trade.
London Cab Fares.
Mr. Short-t, the Home Secretary, inreply to a question in the House of Commons a few days ago, stated that he had no information that, a reduction in taxicab fares in London wasdesired by the majority of the drivers. Ile added that any representation made to him on the subject would receive immediate attention.
The directors of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., have decided to pay an interim dividend of 3 per cent. on the cumulative preference shares of the company in respect of the financial year ending July 31st, 1922, less tax. '
Capt. A. D. Makiea, who for some time past has been controlling the motor transport department of Clement, Talbot, Ltd., of North Kensington, has now been appointed general sales manager for the well-known W. and G. lorries at 177, The Vale, Acton.
Walmsley's Motors, ,Ltd., of Frank Street, North Road. Preston, Lailes., has been formed to take over the motor vehicle department of James Walmsley and Co. (Preston), Ltd., and has secured certain manufacturing and selling rights in connection with the Granville-Bradshaw oil-cooled engine.
The British Engineering Standards Association has recently issued four reports giving the British standard dimensions for (1) petrol filters; (2) drain cocks; (3) grease cups, and (4) ball joints. Copies of the pamphlets are obtainable from the offices of the Association at 23, Victoria Street, London, S.W.
Albion Report.
After making provision for depreciation on buildings, plant and stoek, and deducting directors remuneration, and after taking credit for the amount of E.P.D. to be recovered, the report of the directors of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., shows a net loss of £50,783 for the year ended December 31st. To this sum £10,392—being interest on deben ture stockis added. The balance to the credit of profit and loss account. from the previous year has been brought forward, viz., £43,717, and the directors have transferred from the reserve fund £27,882, these two items giving a total of £71,599, and, after deducting the loss on the year, leaving a credit balance of
The payment of an interim dividend of 3 per cent, on the preference shares, which absorbed £4,016, has been made, whilst of the remaining balance the payment of a final dividend of 3 per cent. on the preference shares will absorba like amount, leaving £2,392 to he carried forward. Debenture stock to the extent of £11,203 has been purchased and canailed during the year.
Converting the Fordson.
In our issue of March 14th we described the approved method of converting the Fordson agrimotor for road haulage purposes by substituting for the land wheels hollow steel disc wheels equipped with brake gear and rubber tyres. This equipment is being prepared by the Shrewsbury and Claalliner Tyre Co., Ltd., and is supplied ready for interchanging with the land wheels, no skill being necessary to fit, the new wheels on the axle and no tools beyond those already in the Fordson kit being used. The rear wheels are equipped with 40 in. by .5 in. S. and C. tyres, whilst the front wheels (which are formed each with a single disc) are couipped with 24 in. by 4 in. tyres. The whole of the equipment is being manufactured at the company's London depot, 120. Willow Road, Victoria, S.W.
Birmingham's Electrics.
In a report of the Birmingham Corporation Salvage Department, which 1-taQ just been issued, it, is stated that the department has in use at the presen, time a fleet of 34 electric vehicles, and that it is intended in the near future to buy seven additional machines of this type.
It is interesting to note that 41.45 per cent. of the houses in the city are on the continuous system of refuse collection by electric vehicles. The vehicles are used in those districts which are at considerable distances from the depots, and which could only be covered on the continuous system by horse haulage at an inflated cost. The city is divided into a number of small areas, to each of which an electric vehicle is allocated, the chief object of the system being to ensure that every house on a particular round is visited weekly. A quarter of a million tons of refuse are collected in Birmingham annually, mostly by the electric vehicles.
A New Caravan.
Martin Walter, Ltd., motor builders and coaclibuilders, of Folkestone, have recently completed a new type of caravan to the order of Messrs. Torrome, Sons and Co., for use in the Argentine Republic. The vehicle is extremely light and strong, and it has been specially built for use in tropical climates. The framework is of sectional construction, well braced up, and the sections can be dismantled and re-erected by those unskilled in this work. The main room of the caravan is convertible to a five-bunk bedroom, whilst the separate kitchen and scullery is fitted with various kinds of la-hour-saving devices, as well as with its own water pump and filter. Electric light is fitted throughout, and there is also a speeial type of lavatory accommodation, The caravan weighs 1 ton 5 cwt.
No L.C.C. Veto on L.G.O.C.
A report of the highways committee of the L.C.C. mentions that the Chelsea Borough Council drew attention to a proposal to rim motor omnibuses along Royal Hospital Road and part of Chelsea Embankment, and stated that, in its opinion, the thoroughfares were unsuitable for omnibuses, and that there was no public demand for a service along that route. After consideration of the circumstances, the committee informed the borougk council that the council did not feel justified in making application to the Ministry of Transport under section 7 (4) of the Roads Act, 1920, with a view to the prohibition of the traffic in question.
Hove Licences for London Coaches.
Hove Watch Committee has further considered an application from Keith and Boyle, Ltd., 37, Harleyford Road, London, S.E.11, for licences for two motor coaches de luxe to ply for hire in the borough. The company propose to run, a daily service to Hove from London. They do not wish for a licence to ply fo: hire only at week-ends and holt. day periods, but that would probably be the only time when they would require standing accommodation. The Chief Constable has ascertained that if the company are unable to obtain a load from London to Hove they would then desire to ply for hire in the ordinary
way. They would garage one car in Hove and, in the event of there being Insufficient business for -the London route, they would rrobably use one char-abanes for Hove work entirely. The voting for -and against was equal and so the matter meet be decided by the council.
Leylands Save Glasgow ELMO.
With regard to a proposal to convert a horse-drawn fire-escape into a motor vehicle, Glasgow Watch Committee now reports that Leyland Motors, Ltd., ha-ve offered to fit the eecape on the new motor pump, which the company_ is now con; structing for the corporation, instead of the usual brackets and ladder without -extra cost. The committee states that the offer will result in a saving to the corporation of about £1,000.
Durham Waking Up.
The advantages of the commercial vehicle for municipal purposes continue to gain recognition in the North of England, and the latest authority to turn to road transport is the Durham City Council, -which has adopted a recommendation from its general purposes committee to obtain, at a cost not to exceed £900, one 5-ton Albion reconditioned lorry and one 1-ton Ford lorry. It was pointed out by aoouncillor that the introduction of motor vehicles was a new venture so far as the -council was concerned, but it had come as a necessity owing to the decrease in the present horse facilities. It is hoped to save £1,000 a year by the use of motors.
Heavy Traffic on By-roads.
A special meeting was recently called by the Tasburgh (Norfolk) Parish Council to consider what action should be taken in:view of the extremely dangerous condition of the roads in the locality, and after some discussion it was resolved to send the following resolution to the Depwade Rural District Council :—" This council views with alarm the continued use of the by-roads by a heavy steam engine drawing three trucks of stones, the total weight of which is reported to be over 50 tons, which has been carting stones from Wymondham on the Norwich-Ipswich main road. In many places tharoads have burst with the tremendous pressure, and an enormous amount of damage has been done' which will take a large sum of money to put right. In places the roads have been broken up to a depth of 12 inches or more, and are now extremely dangerous to all ordinary traffic • in fact, accidents have happened alreacl as a direct result of this damage. We protest against the continuance of this traffic which, in our opinion, should be confined to roads suitable for carrying such heavy weights, and ask that the district council will take up the matter of the cost of making good this damage with the proper authorities."
For Visitors.
The Automobile Association has prepared. a booklet which will undoubtedly be very widely appreciated by foreign motorists coming to England. It is in English, French and Spanish, and gives a succinct résumé of the Ministry of Transport regulations.
In addition, the pamphlet gives details of the A.A. schemeiof pilots for London, and this service will undoubtedly be as widely appreciated by our foreign visitors asit has been by those AA. mem. bens who are not conversant with London traffic in its various aspects.
-An Improved Fire;escape.
In connection with tenders for the supply of a motor fire-escape, the Glasgow Watch Committee has had a letter front Metiers. -John-isiorris and Sons, Manchester, notifying that the firm has an improved type of turntable tire-escape under construction and inviting the committee to see it. , The committee has asked a sub-committee to inspect the new machine and, also the escapes offered by two firms in,London.
For some time past the Norfolk Bridge at. Shoreham has been deemed unsafe for vehicles over two tonsfinmeight. butoit is now found practicable to allow vehicles of not =ore than 12 tons is weight to pass over this structure
Doomed Tramways ?
Recently the Croydon Corporation asked Mr. R J. Howley, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E4 and Mr. J. Dalrymple, general manager of the Glasgow Corporation Tramways, to give an expert report on the future of the Croydon tramways. The following are the principal conclusi6ni of the report of the experts :— (1) If the corporation themselves continue to own and run the tramways a considerable charge on the rates for some years to coma seems.certain.
(2) It would not appear that the corporation can at present run any alternative service either of rail-less cars or motor omnibuses that would produce better results.
(3) The alternatives seem to be :— (a) The leasing of the tramways undertaking -to either the London County Council or the South Metropolitan Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., or both combined, which might have the effect of covering the cost to the ratepayers.
(b) The taking up of the line from Norbury to Thornton Heath Pond and Greyhound to Purley, subject to the omnibus companies agreeing to run a sufficient service of buses on the main road; the lines from Thornton Heath to Addiscombe and from West Croydon to South Norwood being worked by the South Metropolitan Tramways Co.
The New Thames Tunnel Scheme.
The improvements committee of the L.C.C. reports. that the Ministry of Transport has submitted for the council's consideration a suggestion of the Wool " wich Employment Committee as to the need for the provision of additional communication for vehicular traffic across the river Thames by means of a tunnel eastwards of the Woolwich ferry. The committee has informed the Ministry that special parliamentary authority would be needed to enable the council to undertake h scheme of this character, that in addition the preparation of plans
and estimates and other necessary preliminary work would occupy a long timep that for these reasons the proposal, if adopted, would not result in the provision of additional employment in the immediate future, and that, in view of the very costly nature of the scheme, the council does not consider that any useful purpose would be served by a detailed examination of the proposal. In arriving at this decision the council expresses no opinion on the question of the need for the additional facilities suggested, or on the merits generally of the proposal.
Crossing the Footpath.
At a meeting of the Wakefield City Council the surveyor reported that Messrs. Lovell and Chevins were causing heavy vehicles to be taken over the footpath in Pincheon Street without providing a proper crossing in accordance with the Wakefield Improvement Act, 1877, and the town clerk was directed to cornraunicate with the offenders.
French War-zone Roads.
Of the 53,830 kiloms. of roads destroyed in France during the war, 33,043 kiloms, have been provisionally repaired and 18,456 Idioms, finally re paired. Add to these the roads built by thehelligerents during hostilities, and it might safely be said that French roads in the war zone will in a short time be equal to what they were early in 1914.
Importations into Russia.
According to the Russian Trade Delegation, the decree permitting the free importation of motorcars for State and private use has brought many offers from foreign firms. The Foreign Trade Commissariat is negotiating with foreign motorcar manufacturers to establish branches there on a mixed corporation basis. German, American and Italian companies propose to set up omnibus and motor lorry services linking with railway stations, also to construct an inter-urban railway from Moscow.
Electrics in the States.
The Electric Automobile Show, which was held at the Edison showrooms in New York recently, was declared by the exhibitors to have been highly successful.
Thirty-four of the leading manufacturers of commercial vehicles, passenger cars, batteries battery-charging equipment, etc., exhibited. Two exhibits which attracted much attention were the new Steinmetz motor lorry and an electric taxicab, known as the Electrocar, manufactured by the Electrocar Corporation. The latter accommodates five persons in addition to the driver, it has an operating capacity of 60 to 70 miles on a single battery charge, and has a simple system for a rapid change of batteries.
Mr. Charles R. Skinner, 'manager of the show, in commenting upon the increasing public interest in electric vehicles, stated that 185 electric lorrr;ns have been sold in the metropolitan district alone since January 1st, and that the total sales in the United States this year show an increase of 100 per cent. as compared with the corresponding period of 1920, which was a remarkably good year.
Motor Parcel Deliveries.
A new daily motor parcels deaery service has just been inaugurated between Southport and Manchester by Messrs. Sutton and Co., of Manchester, and a feature of it is that for cheapness of transit the roadway is cheaper than either the railway or the Post Office services. For instance, a parcel of 2 lb. will cost 6d. for a journey of about 55 miles, rising by small amounts to 5s. id. for 2 cwt. parcels.
Traders in Southport are keenly interested in the service, which has been promised their support. Prompt deliveries are assured, and parcels collectel in the afternoon will be delivered at their destination early the following morning. Luggage in advance will also be dealt with at a charge-of 2s. 6d, for the single journey and 4s. 6d. for the return journey for packages up to 1 cwt.
Local Proceedings.
Sydney (N.S.W.) Municipal Council has decided to experiment with a concrete road.
Sydney (N.S.W.) Municipal Council proposes to purchase a pneumatic pressure street flusher.
Bath Watch Committee has asked the Chief Constable to report as to sites suitable for chars-bebancs stands.
Wimbledon Corporation Health Corn mittee recommends the purchase of a, Ford motor ambulance at a cost of 2340.
Burnley Corporation Health Committee has decided to invite tenders for the supply of a new chs.ssis for the ambulance.
Stretford Urban District Council is communicating with the Manchester • Corporation relative to the extension of the corporation inoterbus services.
• Warrington Watch Committee has fixed a stand for six chars-it-bancs in Mersey Street, and a stand for three other vehicles in Arpley Road.
Plymouth Corporation Works Committee recommends that the borough engineer be empowered to purchase four electric vehicles at a cost of about 25,000.
Sheffield Corporation Health Committee proposes to purchase four second-hand electric vehicles from Messrs_ J. W. Hutchinson and Sons, Bradford, for the sum of £1,500.
It is reported to the Gelligar that the new road from Pengam Ystrad Wynach has nearly been completed, and will shortly be declared open to transport.
Blackpool Corporation Health Committee has asked its chairman and the medical officer of health to report on a proposal to purchase four motor conveyances for the health department.
Bonrnemouth Corporation Highways Committee suggestS an allowance of 2150 per annum to the borough engineer for the provision and upkeep of a motorcar, and that a taxicab allowance of 1,000 miles be made for the conveyance of his deputy, The London County Council has accepted an offer of Crossley Motors, Ltd., to supply a car for the use ef the chairman of the council during the period ending March 31st, 1923, on the basis of a yearly charge of 2660, 2675 and 2690 for 8,000, 9,000 and 10,000 miles respectively.
An Important Trade Opening!
The last West African mail brought over a letter addressed "Commercial Motor, Bank Buildings, N.U.S., London." The postal officials sent it on to us and we so greatly enjoyed the contents of the letter that we decided to reproduce it. It starts thus:— "1 want to send Catogue and also Calologue and also your sample for the year 1922 if you send it to me I will be one of your best customers in Lagos as soon as I get it you will my oders from you end I will recomend to all my friend that yon a good manufacturers, I close my letter with affectaons too your ahelity for my own bragat for your belife as a gentlement. "dent Fail me for it.
" I am, " — and Co., Lagos. "look for bellow, dont des-apointment."
We have suppressed the name and address, as the Albion Co. will not want such a good customer to be flooded with " catogues" " catalogues " or samples from Thornycroft, Leyland, Dennis and a few others anxious to open up trade on the West Coast "No. = O.K." is not an innuendo, as we find that it is part of the applicant's address given in full at the foot of the letter. The style of the letter is commendable, but it goes all to pot towards the end.
Leeds Char-a-bancs Stands.
Having beard a deputation from the Leeds and County Motor Transport Association with reference to stands for chars-à-banes, the Leeds Watch Committee now proposes that vehicles be allowed to remain for three hours on the stand in Calverley Street and for two hours in Infirmary Street and City Square. •
A By-taw re Skidding.
The Inspector-General of Police, Sydney, New South Wales, has under consideration the question of framing a suitable regulation with regard to the damage done to road surfaces by the skidding of wheels of vehicles.
Does This Interest You ?
A gentleman is strongly recommended to us by his present employers, who are giving up a branch business. He has a very big experience with commercial vehicles, both here and in Australia, and at one time owned a garage. He has a wide experience in other spheres, was for a long time a captain in the Royal Garrison Artillery before and during the war, and is about 40 years of age. He was educated at Marlborough and Woolwich, Any interested firm who requires a capable assistant or branch manager should write to W.E.D., care of the Editor of this paper, and we will put them in touch with him.
Chassis for the Light Van.
e have been asked to make the following amendments regarding the list of chassis for the light van published in our last issue :—
The 15-20-cwt. Vim chassis was referred togas having solid tyres. Actually, it.has 32-in. by 4i-in. straight-sided pneumatics.
The particulars of the Austin chassis which were included were for the 30-40-cwt. vehicle. The company consider that for van work the "Austin Twenty" chassis is the more suitable. This makes a smart vehicle of 15-cwt.. capacity, and is rendered suitable for various business uses by the alteration of road springs and transmission ratios. The standard bodies made for the chassis include a handsome boy van made of well-seasoned osh, metal panelled, with a loading space 6 ft, 4 ins. long. The price of the vehicle as a box van or tilt van is 2675. 'The van was illustrated, but was erroneously described as a 30cwt. type with gentleman's bus body.
A Parade of Electrics.
In connection with the city's shopping week (May 1st to May 6th), a parade of Cardiff-owned electric vehicles used for -trading purposes was held at Cathays Park, and attracted .a great deal of public attention. Over 50 such vehicles are now owned by Cardiff
• traders, and the development of the use of electrics for short-distance deliveries by tradesmen has been, in the past 12 *months, very marked. The Cardiff Corporation stands third highest in the list of municipalities supplying electricity for vehicle purposes. Some 30 electrics assembled on the parade ground, and after public inspection were driven through the main streets of the city as an advertisement for this means of locomotion.
Midland Drivers' Examination.
The East Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association held its 16th annual examination for drivers of commercial motor vehicles at the Easteroft Depot, Nottingham, a few days ago. There was a practical examination in the afternoon and a written test in the evening, and the 42 candidates were representative of the divisional area covered by the counties of Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, Rutland and Northants.
The East Midlands Association has decided to hold its second annual motor parade some time in June.
Linking Up Big Bus Services.
According to the T.B.R. guide for May, the full summer programmes of the motorbus companies throughout the country* are not yet known, but early indications show that, this year, like last, will prove to be one of expansion and consolidation. The Preston-Blackpool service, inaugurated by the Ribble Co., and that from Buxton to Glossop, which the British Automobile Traction Co., of Macclesfield, announce, are examples of new direct links between important centres.
Other new rims, such as Oxford to High Wycombe and Hertford to Royston, are of more local interest, except to those travellers who have already developed a preference for road travel, even if slightly complicated. The first of these, for instance, links Oxford with London, by way of Uxbridge, while the second performs the same service with the other University town, which can be reached from the capital y changes at Hertford and Royston—a pretty direct route. he The
days, of the direct bus service from London to Brighton have not, yet come, but they are drawing nearer. The East Surrey Traction Co. have started through services from Croydon to Handcross, and it is now possible, by changing at these two spots only, to do the bus journey from -Charing Cross to Brighton in about 51 hours, at a fare of 6s. With greater co-ordination between the adjoining companies, improvements m vehicle,s•and the increase of the speed limit, a few years, at the present rate of progress, should transform such longdistance bus journeys into a business proposition.
New Coach-owners' Association.
The Southport chars-iebancs proprietors have formed themselves into an association, which is to be affiliated to the local Chamber of Trade. The objects of the new organization include those of fixing routes for trips and stabilizing charges to the public. Alderman Snow is the president of the new association.
Municipal Aid for Coach Services.
Worthing Corporation Entertainments Committee has made arrangements for the booking in connection with the Worthing-London• service of motor coaches belonging to the Silver Star Services, Ltd., to be carried out by the staff of the corporation at the Toll House during the coming season on terms which will show a satisfactory return.
A Midland Clearing-house.
The title of the Leicester clearinghouse has recently been changed to the Leicester City Road Transport Official Clearing-house. The clearing-house will be conducted on exactly the earne-lines as it has been for the last 2years, with the exception that it is now entirely separate from the Chamber of Commerce, which is not now responsible for any liability incurred by Mr. E. J. Paine, who is the proprietor of the official clearing-house.
Cumberland's Roads.
Numerous advantages accruing from tar macadam resurfaced roads in the way of reducing permanent and establishment costs were given by the surveyor at a quarterly meeting of the Cumberland County Council, at which that authority approved a scheme for resurfacing by this means_ five miles of roadway each year for the next four years, on account of the growing heavy motor traffic. The scheme was approved on condition that the Ministry, of Transport contribtited 50 per cent. of the cost,. which was estimated at £20,000 as the initial cost of each five miles. He also drew attention to the fact that such roads are dustless in summer and cleaner in winter, and altogether desirable for a variety of reasons. He gave the following roadways as being in need *of first attention :— Maryport to Workington, 10 miles; Workington to Flimby and Wigton, 3 miles; Maryport to Wigton, 10 miles; Whitehaven to Distington, 3 miles, and Whitehaven to Egramont, 2 miles.
A Grouse with a Point.
The fact that the town authorities of Oswestry do not permit motor vehicles to enter the town by certain roads on market day is a matter of local grievance. Buses hem Trefiach and Trefomen are obliged to set down and pick up passen gera in Upper Brook Street, and people with pock for the market on Wednesdays and Saturdays are put to great inconvenience by not being allowed, to travel to the market with their goocis. Buses are allowed. to fake eggs and poultry, etc., down to the market, and the owners, not being able to travel down the street with their goods, are obliged to leave them at the entrance of the market at the mercy of the public, whilst they themselves are hurrying down the streets full of fear as to the Safety of their eggs, poultry, etc.
Lancashire Coach Fares.
At a meeting of Chorley and District Char-ii-bancs Proprietors' Association it was decided that motor coaches should be run at 14d. a mile. Mr. W. G. Hart was appointed secretary of the association and Mr. W. Hahne treasurer. This fare is certainly most moderate.
Infected Public Vehicles.'
The Birmingham Corporation Health Committee reports that occasions from time to time arise when additional powers with regard to the disinfection of public vehicles would be useful for the protection of the public health, and recommends that application be made to the Ministry of Health for an order to bring into farce in the city the following adoptive section of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907 :—
Section. 64 (1) If any person suffering from any infectious disease is conveyed in any public vehicle within the district of the local authority, the owner or driver thereof, as soon as it comes to his knowledge, shall give notice to the medical officer, and shall cause such vehicle to be 'disinfected, and, if he fails so to do, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £5, and the owner or driver of such vehicle shall be entitled to recover, in a summary manner, from the person so conveyed, or from the person causing that person to be so conveyed, a suffieieut sum to cover any loss and expense incurred by him in connection with such disinfection.
(2) It shall be the duty of the local authority, when so requested by the owner or driver of se& public vehicle, to provide for the disinfection of the same, free of charge, except in cases where the owner or driver conveyed a person knowing that he was suffering from infectious disease.
A Passenger Toil.
Warrington Corporation Tramways Committee has refused to entertain a request from the Lancashire -United Trainrain
ways, Ltd., that the corporation should reduce the sum of 1A. per passenger payable by the company in respect of the running of their motorbuses between drlam and Warrington.
Mudguards for .Buses.
The chief constable of South Shields reports that the Northern General Transport Co., of Chester-le-Street, has not yet obtained any device to prevent mud,spiashing. The company has been furnished with some specimens of devices and promises to make trials. The cot'. poration has had guards fixed to its vehicles, thee devices being of a 'similar make to those used on the North Eastern, Railway Co.'s bases.