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One Hears—

16th June 1950, Page 29
16th June 1950
Page 29
Page 29, 16th June 1950 — One Hears—
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

That some oils are a Joy.

That " zebras help pedestrians from playing the


That son-le London taxi-cabbies have felt that employers were taking a rise out of them.

Someone saying that a list of what British vehicles cannot do would not fill one side, of a bus ticket.

Of high prices us unsocial climbers.

Of Mr. T. V. Redston, M.F.H.----a new service!

That a wasps' nest has been found under a floor in Kenton.

That the B.T.C. and its Executives have discovered them in other places.

That " Stripesi" should have increased its popularity last week.

That many "spongersare about, but few would wash down a vehicle.

" No, madam, the cross-country fork truck would not fork up your garden."

That thin walls may be excellent for bearings, but they are the very devil in a flat.

That chatter may sometimes be boring, and is definitely bad in a boring bar or reamer. • That many touring-coach parties are now welcomed at hotels which still display "No Coaches" notices.

That such parties have proved remarkably helpful in keeping shutters down in hundreds of inns formerly almost inaccessible to individual motorists.

That this fact should long be remembered by those owning or managing these establishments.

That public opinion concerning the road transport of awkward loads usually ranges between amazement and admiration