New Tipping Gear for 5-tonner
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ANEW twin-underbody-ram endtipping gear known as the model 2ATC has been introduced by EdbroB. and E. Tippers, Ltd., Quebec Street, Bolton, Lanes
An example of this gear has been fitted to a Bedford 5-ton short-wheelbase normal-control chassis, together with a 5-cu.-yd. all-steel U-shaped body. The equipment is also suitable fora Longer-wheelbase chassis which takes a body some 12 ft. 6 in. long.
The oil reservoir is now, combined with the cradle. assembly supporting the rams. The release valve is bolted • to the cradle and is operated by cable from the cab. All the controls for the power take-off are in the cab, whilst the release lever is of a new pattern incorporating trigger control.
It has three positions—" raise," " hold " and "lower "—and the trigger control ensures that a driver cannot take the release leer through from " raise " to " lower " Without its first locking itself in the "hold " position. This obviates the risk • of accidental lowering of the body when fully laden.
The single-acting, double telescopic rams are universally mounted at their upper ends in ball sockets. Phosphorbronze ball sockets are cast on to the ram ball's, thus dispensing with the need for lubrication-of the tops of the rams where they are mounted in the thrust channel.
Hydraulic power for the rams is supplied from an Edbro-B. and E. combined power take-off and swathplate pomp on the vehicle gearbox.