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New Morris Forward-control 2-tonner

16th August 1957, Page 53
16th August 1957
Page 53
Page 53, 16th August 1957 — New Morris Forward-control 2-tonner
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A FORWARD-CONTROL version of IA the, Morris LC05/T 2-ton chassis has been put into production. The first model from the line was delivered to W. J. Brookes and Sons, Ltd., the Manchester bakery organization, and fitted with a Homalloy van body.

The outer skin is of glass fibre, but is riveted ter the frame. GlasS fibre is• used also for the roof of the cab. Access to the cab is good and the driver's seat is fully adjustable. A J2 hand brake is


Initially, the van will be employed on medium-distance work, covering about 50.60 miles daily, for Which good acceleration and rnancouvrability are essential.

A B.M.C. 3.4-litre oil engine is employed in conjtinetiou with a fourspeed.constint-rnesh gearbox. The payload rating is 2 tons and the unladen weight is 2 tons 84 cm. The fron: springs have been strengthened.

The distance from the rear of the driver's bulkhead to the centre of the rear axle is 7 ft. 4 in., against 4 ft. 1+ in. on the normal-control model. From the rear of the cab bulkhead to the end of the frame the measurement is 11 ft. 10 in„ against 8 ft. 4+ in. The wheelbase, at 9 ft. I1+ in., is 14 in. less.

Ground clearance continues at 8 hr. The top of the chassis at the rear is 28+ in. above ground level when unladen; the height from floor to ground' at the fear is 32 in. Tubeless 8-ply tyres are used at the rear.