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BC to ean up

15th September 1978
Page 5
Page 5, 15th September 1978 — BC to ean up
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ARLIAMENTARY report mmending that the inter m the capital debt of the onal Bus Company should )aid by grant from the ernment was published erd ay (Thursday).

le report, from the House ommons Select Commit

on the Nationalised Inries, comes from its transsub committee which has 1 ir.vestigating NBC this me-.

Id in report, titled Innovas in Rural Bus Services, says that debts accumu d lecause of additional age covered in 1975 by 1 services that might have 3. withdrawn should be ten off.

he recommendations nthe services that then

isport minister Dr John iert said should continue Le county councils decided ther they would support n.

ond on Country Bus Sers debts would also be ten off under the scheme.

his week a spokesman for National Bus Company CM that NBC welcomed report's proposal on the ipany's finance and the )osal to continue the new grant beyond 1981 when it heduled to be withdrawn.