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One dark night

15th September 1967
Page 66
Page 66, 15th September 1967 — One dark night
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PLACED THIRD in the LDOY Final last year, and a consistentlI outstanding performer at the Oxford round, B. A. Absolom did not manage to qualify for Bramcote this year. But he competed—in the managers' contest. Surprisingly, he was unplaced: donning a "gaffees hat" may have put him off his stroke.

But he is still on the ball. Witness this tip he passed on:— "I give my spare wheel a routine tyre check for pressure, but that's about as far as it goes. The other day I tried to remove it from the chassis-mounted carrier for a more thorough examination. And it took me five hours to free it from the holding bolts!

"Road-salting to blame, perhaps. But it isn't the sort of thing to discover on a dark and punctured night with an important load aboard. Spares off, then, and run the nuts back on with some grease. But fairly tight, please: you don't want to lose the wheels."