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A.E.C. -Stand 66 Regal Mark IV underfloor-engined chassis; Mammoth Major six-wheeler, Monarch with 7.7-litre engine ; Matador with 11.3-litre engine ; Mammoth Major normal-control overseas chassis; Regent double-decker with Park Royal body.
ALBION Stand 70
Clydesdale 12-ton chassis with exporttype cab; 1-1D.53 chassis ; Chieftain 6icanner with Duramin body; 14D.57 14I-ton, eight-wheeled chassis with platform body; two passenger' chassis. one a Victor with 31-seater luxury coach body by Scottish Aviation, Ltd., and Viking 37-seater with super-luxury coach body by Reading and Co., Ltd., a 29-75 h.p., four-cylindered oil engine and a five-speed gearbox unit.
ATKINSON Stand 80 LL.746L goods chassis with left-hand control and air-pressure braking; T.1268 tractor chassis designed for overseas operation ; an eight-wheeler—model L.I 586 —with fight-alloy body, and new passenger model powered by the Gardner 61-11„W oil engine, the power unit being mounted amidships.
One 5-mn Loadstar with drop-sided body ; a 25-cwt. Three-way fan; three A.40 chassis with van, pick-up and Countryman bodies, respectively ; Sheerline long-wheelbase ambulance and pantechnicon.
BEDFORD Stand 53 Three 7-tonners—Model SL with platform body, SLC long-wheelbase body chassis with sectioned cab, and SST with 6-cubic-yd. tipping body; OLAD 3-4-ton chassis with drop-sided body; KC 30-cwt. chassis and cab PCV 10-12-cwt. van, and an example of SB passenger chassis with Duple 32-seater body.
Standard van, six-seater utility and deluxe version, and sectioned 25 b.h.p. C.C. engine.
B.U.T. Stand 31
One two-axled export trolfeyhus chassis, Model RETB.1, and 70-seater, doubledecker chree-axled trolleybus chassis, Model 9641T, with M.C.W. body.
COMMER Stand 41 Light van and Superpoise 25-cwt. . van ; Superpoise 2-3-tonner with drop-sided body; Superpoise 4-5-ton tipper; Super' c4 poise 4-5-tonner with special alloy van body: heavy-duty pick-up; 5-ton chassis with dropfsided body ; two 7-tonners, one in sectioned-chassis form, and other with alloy platform body CROSSLEY Stand 67
Mark IV 8-ft—wide chassis with underfloor engine; single-decker chassis with Crossley 8.6-litre engine; double-decker chassis with Crossley 56-seater body; double-decker chassis; Empire two-axled trolleybus; Dominion three-axled trolleybus.
DAIMLER Stand 52 Three CD.650 models, one with Burlingham double-deck body and the other two as chassis, one being for single-deck bodies; CVD.6, single-deck chassis; DC 27 h.p. ambulance, and a single-decker trolley bus chassis with body by East Lanes, Coachbuilders (Bridling:on), Ltd. CD.650 engine, Fluid Flywheel, pre-selector gearbox, and power-assisted steering unit, all in sectioned form.
DENNIS Stand 68
Two new Dominant passenger chassis (described in "The Commercial Motor," August 25), one shown complete with body ; Centaur with platform body, Max 6 chassis, and an example of the new F.8 fire-engine.
DODGE Stand 39
Model 1031P6 8-ton tractor with Scammelt coupling gear; 105/P6 5-ton oilengined drop-sided lorry; 64 2-3-ton van; 123 6-ton tipper; 125 6-tonner with light-alloy van body; B213-126 1-ton chassis with cab; B2B-108 15-cwt. van; 86/P6 32-seater oil-engined passenger chassis.
E.R.F. Stand 59
Model 68.EA, 24-ton, eight-wheeled export chassis; Model 66 19-ton six-wheeled chassis; three four-wheelers, one of which —Model 54.ET—will be shown with endtipping body.
FODEN Stand 69 FG.417I jour-wheeler with Carrimore van body; F0.6/15 eight-wheeled tanker ; FG.8/15 overseas-type chassis; three rearengined passenger chassis, one with Whitson long-distance coach body. The complete machine and one chassis are fitted with the Foden two-stroke engine, and the third chassis has a Gardner sixcylindered unit.
FORDSON Stand 71 Standard 5-cwt. and l0-cwt, vans; -10cwt. van with Reall insulated body; 10-cwt. fire tender (conversion by Martin Walter, Ltd.): estate car; heavy-duty pickup; 2-ton van; 3-ton and 5-ton trucks; 4-cubic-yd. tipper, and 5=ton chassis with Jekta telescopic body.
GUY Stand 43 Three Arab chassis, one with doubledeck body, another with a Dutch-built single-deck body, and a third in chassis form with underfloor engine (new model described in "The Commercial Motor," September .1); Wolf 2-3-tonner with Normand body; two Otter chassis, one with passenger body by Alexander, and Vixen chassis in partly sectioned form.
HELECS Stand 88
New Intruder 25-cwt. model, with milkdray body and a stripped chassis.
INSN Stand 60 Three complete vehicles, one with pantechnicon body, another with, platform body, and a third, a passenger chassis with 38-seater coach body by Associated Coachboilders. . Ltd.; Jen-Tug .30-cwt. tractor with 19-ft. semi-low-loading trailer.
carrying .a trailer van..
KARRIER Stand 65 Three Bantam models with van, shop and milk-float bodies; • Bantam 4-5-ton tractor and semi-trader ; CK3 3-4-ton mineralwater van; a CK3 mineral-water lorry; CK3 special van; CK3 with 10-cubic-yd. all-steel refuse-collecting body, and Karrier-Yorkshire 750-gallon gully-emptier.
LATIL Stand 50
Two tractors—an H11-TLIO, and a TR120 Navette.
LEYLAND Stand 54 Two Royal Tiger chassis, one with a bus body and the other with a 40-seater 8-ft.wide coach body; two Comet vehicles, one with platform body and the other with specially built Leyland mobile workshop body ; Octopus chassis with van body by Thomas Allsop, Ltd., and 8-ft.-wide chassis with Hybridge body IVIAUDSLAY Stand 56
Marathon Mark IV chassis with 9.6-litre underfloor engine and a Park Royal 39seater bus body; Marathon passenger chassis for export; Marathon standard coach chassis;. Mustangtwin-steered 'sixwheeler; Mentor rigid eight-wheeler; Mogul four-wheeler.
MORRIS Stand 58 One Cowley van and pick-up; two examples of 5-cwt. van, and 5-cwt. chassis. MORRIS-COMMERclAL : Stand 40 One J-type 10-cwt. van ; 15-20-cwt. van ; 25-30-cwt.. van ; 5-ton tipper ; 5-ton dropsided lorry ; 28-32-seater oil-engined passenger chassis; 2-3-ton drop-sided lorry with three-seat all-steel cab; 5-ton petrolengined chassis and cab; 5-ton oilengined chassis and cab; Oxford taxicab with body of new design; two sectioned engines N.C.B. Stand 84
Standard I-ton and 30-cwt. batteryelectric vehicles, and two mobile shops, one on 2-ton-and the other on 14-cwt. chassis.
PANHARD Stand 85 Two vans with 60-cubic-ft. bodies, and an oil engine.
RENAULT Stand 32 A 4-5-cwi. and a 7-cwt. van.
REO Stand 30 One chassis with cab, and stripped chassis.
ROVER Stand 86 Land-Rover chassis and two standard vehicles, one fitted with detachable metal top. Three other models, one with compressor, another an arc-welding plant. and a third fitted taut as a station wagon.
SCAMMELL Stand 51 Explorer six-wheeled six-wheel-drive chassis ; Mountaineer four-wheeled fourwheel-drive chassis with dumper body ; short wheelbase rigid eight wheeled tanker; a Scarab 3-ton mechanical horse unit and straight-frame trailer, and Scarab 6-ion mechanical horse unit with dropframe export-type trailer.
SEDDON Stand 45 Model Mk. 4. with 31-seater all-metal bus body ; Mk. 4C, 6-tanner with platform body; Mk. 5LH 6-ton chassis: Mk. 5S10 54-cubic-yd. tipper ; Mk. 5S9/2 tractor with Carrimore 10-ton semi-trailer; Mk. 8 tractor with Scammell coupling gear ; two Mk. 7L models, one in chassis form, and the other with van body and Mk. 758 with 4-cubic-yd. tipping body.
One overseas model 6/6DV six-wheeler ; 4/6DV light six-wheeler with trailing axle and boxvan body; 6/4DV, four-wheeled tractive unit with left-hand drive; passenger chassis with 44-seater single-deck allmetal bus body of integral construction ; export single-decker passenger chassis with Park Royal 39-seater body and .export-type bin chassis.
STANDARD Stand 33 One 12.-cwt. delivery van and pick-up truck.
STUDEBAKER Stand 57 One 2R17A/.15 chassis and cab ; 2R15/31 chassis and cab: 2R10122 chassis with 61-ft. pick-up body, and 2115/12 chassis with 61-ft. pick-up body. SUNBEAM Stand 44 MF2R overseas two-axled trolleybus chassis with rear-mounted motor ; S7 threeaxled trolleybus chassis for 70-seater bodies; MF2B overseas two-axled Trolleybus with Park Royal 40-seater body ; S7 three-axled trolleybus chassis with Park Royal 68-seater body : F4 two-axled trolleybus with Brush 56-seater body.
THORNYCROFT Stand 55 Nippy oil-engined 3-Lormer ; Sturdy ZG/TR6/D1 chassis and cab ; Trident 12ten chassis ; . Trusty • three-aided export chassis; Mighty Antar 250 bhp. tractor ; Meteorite. eight-cylinclered oil engine, CR6 sectioned oil engine and sectioned livespeed gearbox.
TILLING-STEVENS *and 38 Three Express Mark IC models, one in chassis form, another with Dutfield 37seater coach body, and the third with Duffield 41-seater overseas body; a Model Ic6LAY with Duffield 33-seater luxury coach body ;. overseas chassis—Model IC6MA9 with Meadows 6DC oil engine; battery-electric with alloy refuse collecting body by Glover, Webb and Liversidge. Ltd.
TROJAN Stand 87
One 15-cwt. chassis and two vans; Elec. trojan battery-electric chassis and van.
UNIPOWER Stand 61 Hannibal four-wheel-drive tractor with five-cylindered oil engine; four-wheel-drive machine with four-cylindered oil engine, and new 4 by 4 general-purpose medium cross-country chassis. Components to be shown will include a 10-ton two-axle-drive bogie.
VULCAN Stand 37
Two Model 70F Mark II chassis, one with.all-steel cab and platform body; two 6pF models, one with platform body and the other with van body: 91TA articulated six-wheeler with pantechnicon body, and 6PF four-wheeled tipper.
WILSON Stand 72 Two 20-25-cwt. battery-electric vehicles, one with milk-delivery body and the other for bread delivery.