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important Additions to a Popular Range Comprise a 30-cwt. Chassis, a Twotanner and a 20passenger Type, all at Popular Prices •
DTIRING the past season the smallest Commer chassis has been the 40-50-cwt. model. It -will be remembered that we announced in January this year that
commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, would enter the market with vehicles of a lighter type. This they have now done, adding to the extensive range a 30-cwt. model, a chassis for 2-ton pay-loads (in short and long wheelbases), and a somewhat similar machine intended to serve as the basis of a 20-seater.
These models have been rigorously tested for well over a year in almost every conceivable manner, so that the manufacturer offers these new machines with every confidence that they will perform fully 111D to the Commer standard of the past and present. .
Describing the 30-cwt. Model.
Generally speaking, the design of
all three types is ; therefore, we shall deal in detail with the 30cwt. machine and give the points of difference for the others.
To the 30-cwt. chassis, or B30 model, is allotted the name "Raider." It is noteworthy that the front axle is set back more than is usual. This has been done in order to gain manceuvrability, by the reduction of wheelbase, without cutting down the body space. In fact, the dimension from the rear of the , cab to the end of the frame, viz., 8 ft. 01 in., is more than is commonly allowed with such a vehicle.
Amidships each main frame member has a depth of 6 ins, and the flanges are 21 ins, wide, whilst the
steel is in. thick. The frame tapers from 2 ft. 111 ins, at the rear to 2 ft. 3 ins., at the point where the integral front bumper is attached. Excluding the engine bearers, there are five robust cross-members, and the brake cross-shaft is insulated from frame distortion by being =Minted in spherical bearings. The
B28 springs are of semi-elliptic type.
Turning now to the six-cylinclered engine, this develops 44 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m. Thus it will be realized that its maximum power does not involve the attainment of very high r.p.m. The cylinder block and the upper portion of the crankcase are cast in one, and the cylinder head is detachable. The valves are mounted on the near 'side of the cylinder tdock and the engine is supported in the frame by two bridge-type members, providing four-point suspension. The bore and stroke are 78 mm. by 106 ram., giving a pistonswept volume of 3,040 c.c.
The crankshaft is carried in four bearings, *hite-metal lined, and secured to the crankcase by girdersection caps. The camshaft also has four bearings and is driven by a duplex roller chain with a jockey-type tensioner. This chain also drives the dynamo and water pump, mounted in tandem.
The ignition distributor is driven from the dynamo armature, whilst the oil pump takes' its drive from the camshaft; the last-named operates the AC petrol pump, drawing fuel from the 10-gallon tank below the driving seat. The cooling fan is driven by an endless belt. In order to ensure adequate lubrication, the camshaft runs in a trough if oil.rit.-Operates directly flat tappets Which have chilled heads and work in grouped guides, which are detachableafter removal of the valve-chest covers.
Lubrication is on the pressurefeed system, oil being forced to the crankshaft journals, big-ends and the front bearing of the camshaft. The timing chain is fed by a jet of oil, whilst the remaining camshaft hearings and the dynamo-shaft bearing are fed with lubricant from troughs. The gauze-type filter on the pressure side of the pomp is readily accessible and can be Cleaned without loss of oil.
It is interesting to note that the radiator will pass the War DePartment tropical Jest, so that the vehicle is well suited to colonial service. The carburetter is a Solex, and Lucas distributor ignition is used. The • advance mechanism is automatically controlled.
-A 12-volt pressure is used for the starting and lighting circuits, which are supplied by the Lucas dynamo through a 63-amp.-hour battery. Dip-and-switch bead lights are provided, also a stop light,: whilst the charging switch gives .winter and summer rates.
A 10-in, single-plate, dry clutch, with toggle-lever operation, has external adjustment for wear and is
mounted in a ventilated nit, bolted to the rear face of the enginecarrying banjo, thus permitting the clutch and gearbox to be dismantled without removal of the engine. The gearbox gives four forward speeds; with a 6 to 1 axle ratio the indirect gears are 10.2, 15.48 and 29.7 to 1; a 6.57 to 1 axle ratio is optional.
" Large Bearings Throughout.
From the gearbox the drive is by an open Hardy-Spicer propeller shaft to a, spiral-bevel, banjo-type axle with .semi-floating shafts. The pinion and crown wheel are mounted on Timken taper-roller bearings, similar support being given to the 'outer ends of the shafts. All these bearings have easily reached adjustments and the axle casing is made of i-in, steel, so that it is well up to arduous work. The rear springs are slung below it and accessibility is aided by the employment of Bendix. Duo-Servo brakes, which, of course, have flexible cables operating through sheaths.
The pedal and hand lever are inter-connected and operate the internal-expanding shoes in all four drums, those of the front wheels being 12 ins, in diameter and those of the rear wheels 14 ins, There is an independent screw adjustment to each wheel.
Towards the extremities of the H-section front axle a rounded formation is adopted, the better to take braking torque. The stub axles are of the reversed Elliott type and the hubs employ taperroller bearings. Steel-spoked wheels carry 32-in. by 6-in, low-pressure tyres at the front and 32-in. by 6-in. heavy-duty tyres at the rear. The spare wheel is carried below the rear of the frame.
Bishop steering gear is specified and all ball joints are self-adjusting. The turning circle is in the order of 45 ft. On the top of the steering column are a horn button and dipper switch, whilst the carburetter control is on the dash.
The dimensions of this 30-cwt. chassis are as follow :—Wheelbase, 10 ft. 6 ins.; track, 4 ft. 91 ins.; ground clearance (loaded), 9 ins.; overall chassis length, 16 ft. 63 ins.; overall chassis width (over front wings), 5 ft. 8 ins.; rear of cab to end of body (approximately), 9 ft. 4 ins. ; chassis height loaded (approximately), 2 ft. 01 in. This chassis—the Raider or B30 model— sells at £225,
Turning now to the 2-ton model, which is generally of similar specification. This bears the name " Centaur " ; its type number is B40 and it sells at £248 with a short wheelbase (10 ft. 6 ins.) or at £265 with a wheelbase of 12 ft. 9 ins. The tyres for this chassis are 32 ins. by 6 ins. (low pressure), and twin tyres are employed on each rear wheel. Id this case, the axle is of the fully floating type and the frame section is 7 ins. The leading dimensions of the 12 ft. 9 in. wheelbase model are as follow :—Overall length (without bumper), 19 ft. 3 ins.; rear overhang, 4 ft. 33 ins.; maximum legal overhang (with B30-type bumper), 6 ft. 13 in.; ground clearance, 10# ins.
In the ease of the Centaur with a 10-ft 6-in, wheelbase, the leading chassis dimensions which differ from those of the longer type are:— Overall' length, 16 ft. 63 ins.; overall width over rear wings, 6 ft.
7 ins.; rear of cab to end of frame, 8 ft. 03 in.; rear of cab to end of body (approximately), 9 ft. 4 ins.
Known as type P20 is the 'new Cownier chassis for 20-seater vehicles. This will retail at £295 and has the following dimensions :— Wheelbase, 12 ft. 9 ins.; overall length (without bumper), 20 ft. 6 ins.; overhang (rear axle to end of frame). 5 ft. 64 ins.; dash to rear axle, 11 ft. 13 in.; legal overhang (with B30-type bumper), 6 ft. 13 in.; overall width over rear tyres, 6 ft. 3 ins.; maximum legal overall width of body, 7 ft 2 ins.; ground clearance, 103 ins. The design, of course, allows for all parts to comply with the Use and Construction Regulations and with regulations in regard to Certificates of Fitness. This chassis has a fully floating rear axle and an 18-gallon fuel tank on the off side. It has a two-piece propeller shaft, The frame has a section of 7 ins. depth. The bumper is chromium plated and the bonnet in this-case is tapered. A mechanical tyre pump is provided as standard and the dash is designed for mating with passenger coachwork.
Although the prices quoted in foregoing paragraphs cannot in any way be deemed expensive, a detailed inspection of the various models shows that these popular figures have been attained not by a, policy of skimping of 'detail. The engine is not of the high-speed type, which must be turning over fast in order to develop adequate power, so, that the new Commers can climb hills without "rushing."
On the road we found that the 30-cwt. lorry ran with marked smoothness and the gear ratios were well chosen in relation to the engine torque. The braking was really effectiveWithout the need for any strenuous exertion, either the pedal or lever giving a smooth and rapid pull-up. The steering was light and the driver's cab roomy and well proportioned..
A study of any of these three chassis here, described reveals .the fact that accessibility has been studied in detail. For example, the engine can be removed independently, likewise the gearbox. In the case of the rear axle the bevel and pinion can be taken out in a short space of time. Turning to smaller details, the water pump, for instance, has a gland which can be adjusted or repacked with exemplary ease either in situ or after removal of the complete pump to the bench— the work of a few minutes.
These new models will attract considerable interest at Olympia, where they will be shown, not as brand-new models, but as types which have been thoroughly tested and made available to the public before the opening of the exhibition.