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15th October 1987
Page 39
Page 39, 15th October 1987 — ROADWORKS
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• London and the South East

Mll Essex: j6-j7, CF. M27 Hampshire: 1344, CF. 35, LR.

M3 Hampshire: J7-j9, CF. j8, BB access C. J7, access to motorway restricted.

M4 Thames Valley: 312Membury Services, LC. J14-j15, CF. j14, EB access C.

M4 London: 34, EB exit SR LC.

M40 Thames Valley: J6J7, CF.

M40 Denham Roundabout: LR.

M1 London: J445, LC. M1 Herts: J9410, CF. J9, only NB exit SR is open.

J10, only SB exit SR C.

M1 Bucks: )14-J15, CF.

M10 Herts: NB CC, SB LC, D.

M2 Kent: J4, CF. J547, CF.

M20 Kent: J142, LC.

I The Midlands

M1 Leics: J23424, CF.

M5 Hereford/Worcester: J546, CF. J5, SB entry C. J6, NB entry C. J547, LR and/or ON LC.

M5 W Mid: J1, no SB access. J2, no NB access. M5 Hereford/Worcester: J444a, LC and ON CC. M54 W Mid/Salop: j6, EB LC.

M6 W Mids: J444s, LC.

M6 Staffs: J11412, CF.

J11, NB entry SR C. 312, SB entry SR C at times.

• The North

M62/M6 (intersection Cheshire): LC, CF.

M62 Lancs/Yorks: J21J22, RW.

M62/M18 Humberside: 334-336, CF.

M61 Gtr Manchester: Bridge over the A58, D.

M63 Gtr Manchester: Barton Bridge, L. Portwood AB, LC.

M56 Gtr Manchester:14J6, CF.

M18 S Yorks: J2-J32, CF, LC, D.

M1 Yorks: J39-140, CF. Al(M) County Durham: Pit Laddie interchange, LD.

• Wales and the West

M4 Wilts: J17-J18, CF.

M4 Avon: 320-319, EB LC. Severn Bridge, EB LR.

M4 S Glamorgan: J32334, LC. j35, bridge repairs.

M5 Somerset: 323, LC. 324, CF SB SR C. 324425, LC. J25426, LC.

M5 Devon: RW.

• Scotland

M8 Lothian: J344, CF.

M8 Strathclyde: J6, LC. J27429, LC, LD.

M9 Central: J4-,16, LC. M74 Strathclyde: J12, NB CF. 110, SB LC. J10, NB LC. j6-J8, LC.

M80 Central: J5-,19, LC. J9 D.

M90 Tayside: J3-.14, LC. M90 Tayside: J849, SB CC, CF.

M876: J145, LC.

• Information supplied by AA Roadwatch and the Department of Transport.

Key to abbreviations: BP: Bypass; C: Closed; CC: Carriageway closed; CF: Contraflow; D: Diversions; E: East; J: Junction; IC: Interchange; LC: Lane closures; LD: Long delays; LR: Lane restrictions; N: North; NB: Northbound; ON: Overnight; PH: Peak hours; RB: Roundabout; RC: Road closures; S: South; SB: Southbound; SR: Slip road; TTL: Temporary traffic lights; W: West; WB: Westbound.