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Safe and Sweet

15th November 1990
Page 88
Page 88, 15th November 1990 — Safe and Sweet
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• United Transport Tankers is running electronicallysealed tanker trailers on its flOm Cargill distribution contract to counter the rising threat of deliberate food contamination.

The move follows a spate of widely reported scare stories earlier this year. Claims for compensation flooded in to those companies whose products were affected.

At UTF's Tilbury depot 23 vehicles have been fitted with the electronic locks on valve and manlid covers, and nose carrier boxes. The tankers carry liquid glucose, which is used in the production of confectionery and beer.

All points are locked using air from the trailer's brake system. A random number is generated when the steel valve cabinet at the trailer's rear is shut. This can be telephoned through to the customer.