Spanish government may pay UK truckers
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• Hauliers who lost money in the Spanish truck drivers' dispute have finally been told that the Spanish government will consider their compensation But the Spaniards have not decided if, or how much, they will pay to the hundreds of operators who suffered as a result of the 10-day blockade.
To make a claim hauliers should write to the agricultural attache at the Spanish embassy in London, who will forward it to the Spanish ministry of transport. They should also get in touch with the Department of Transport in London, the Ministry of Agriculture and the British embassy in Madrid.
Loughborough haulier Mike Pickering, who lost almost 0,000 as a result of the Spanish dispute, is cautious, pointing out that the scheme will only work "if I get something out of it. That's not been settled yet, has it?"
El Italian fuel station attendants have gone on strike, causing chaos for drivers who fail to fill up their tanks before going into the country or have to make long trips in Italy, The dispute follows a series of weekend strikes by Italian Customs officers, which has led to long delays at borders. Now Italian transport operators are threatening to stop work for a week from 19 November.
Taunton haulier Paul Selway says he can get round the fuel strike by filling all the tanks on his vehicle — he uses extra belly tanks which can hold an extra 1,000 litres.
But he says he has been badly caught out by the Customs dispute. If a Milan-bound truck arrives at the border on Friday when the officials have stopped work, it has to wait until Tuesday to leave.
Claims for compensation should be made to: El Agricultural Attache, Spanish Embassy, 54 Upper Montagu Street, London Will 1FP, hone 071-723 9967.
Department of 'I'ransport, Miss Chattle, Room S16112, Marsham Street, London SW1, fax 071-276 0818.
111 MAFF, Norman Day, Room 513, Sheep Policy Branch, fax 071-270 8125. 0 British Embassy, Jane Rabagliati, First Secretary Agriculture & Fisheries fax 010-319 0423.