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Licence gain for Johnstone

15th November 1990
Page 20
Page 20, 15th November 1990 — Licence gain for Johnstone
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

It= • Dumfries

based William Johnstone has a change of operating centre, despite representations from another operator and seven local residents.

He had applied to move the centre for his two-truck licence to a residential property used as an operating centre for two vehicles by one of the representors, lain Carson.

Scottish Licensing Authority Keith Waterworth heard that Carson had used most of the land proposed as the licensing centre as a base for up to six vehicles.

Representors were worried about additional noise and fumes, road safety hazards, damage to verges, difficulty in moving cattle along the road to the land, and a drop in property prices.

Johnstone said that he had planning permission to improve the access. No maintenance would be carried out there and he would screen one end of the land. He said he would accept restrictions if essential, but would regard them as unfair unless they were applied to Carson too, Granting the licence, with some restrictions, Waterworth said two extra movements a day did not justify refusal.