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Sad summer

15th November 1990
Page 19
Page 19, 15th November 1990 — Sad summer
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Stoke-based operator PMT is cutting its coaching operation by 50% after a disappointing summer season.

Paramount Travel will cease to run independently, and will operate on a smaller scale as part of the parent company.

Landliner Goldcrest of Birkenhead, which was set up earlier this year following the acquisition of two coach companies, has been closed. Some of its work has been transferred to PMT's Marston depot.

Linkline of Harlesden, the London-based company bought last year, is being sold to Paramount's managing director Brian Jones, who will continue to run its eight-strong fleet.

The remaining PMT fleet will be halved to about 20 vehicles and will work mainly on National Express contracts and its traditional area of privatehire work.