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Coaches face complaints

15th November 1990
Page 19
Page 19, 15th November 1990 — Coaches face complaints
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Westminster City Council has received more than 100 complaints about coach drivers since last month when it launched its Coach Check campaign to clamp down on PSV drivers who cause disruption in central London (CM 4-10 October).

Most of the complaints received from residents have been about illegal or inconsiderate parking, or coaches being driven down unsuitable streets.

The problem of coach drivers leaving their engines running for a long time is also a major irritant, says Paul Chant, WCC's principle traffic engineer and planner. The south end of Buckingham Palace Road has been pinpointed as a troublespot where drivers regularly leave their engines running.

Ile says the council has received about 15 complaints concerning coaches being driven down Sutherland Street and Connaught Square, near Ebury Bridge.

He warns that a coach ban will operate in those areas from next April.