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Convictions mean cuts

15th March 1990, Page 30
15th March 1990
Page 30
Page 30, 15th March 1990 — Convictions mean cuts
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Kent haulier Roland Barton, trading as Roland Barton Transport, has had his licence cut from 12 vehicles and six trailers to three vehicles and trailers, following con victions for drivers' hours and tachograph offences.

Barton, of llythe, appeared at disciplinary proceedings before South Eastern Licensing Authority Michael Turner where evidence was given by police that he and three of his drivers had been heavily fined by Folkestone Magistrates.

An analysis of tachograph charts by John Kirkwood, the Traffic Area's enforcement manager, had revealed widespread misuse of tachographs and breaches of the drivers' hours rules.

Cutting the licence, Turner said he did not accept it was all caused by poor administration and pressure of work. Offences of this type revealed a pattern of deliberate law breaking. Such conduct was against the interests of road safety and was unfair to legitimate hauliers and drivers. He had been on the brink of revoking the licence altogether, but took account of Barton's previously unblemished record and his excellent maintenance record. He had also made no attempt to cover up the offences when tackled by the police. By "coming clean" Barton had done something towards reestablishing himself.

Directing that the curtailed vehicles cannot be used under any other licence, Brigadier Turner warned that a further offence could lead to Barton being put out of the transport business for a long time.