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An investigation

15th March 1980, Page 57
15th March 1980
Page 57
Page 57, 15th March 1980 — An investigation
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

March 18, 1930 Editor: G. Mackenzie Airmen WE have for a long time been gravely concerned at the very unsatisfactory condition of affairs obtaining in the roadhaulage business. There has been ruthless competition which has so lowered rates that even the best-managed businesses are finding it diffi cult to carry on. Much of the rate-cutting has been done by men who have no real conception of the proper rates at which they should work in order to win a return for their labours and for the use of their vehicles which will be sufficiently remunerative to permit proper maintenance and the putting aside of sufficient money to cover the depreciation of their equipment.