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B.T.C. Road and Rail Revenue Up by £26m.

15th January 1954
Page 30
Page 30, 15th January 1954 — B.T.C. Road and Rail Revenue Up by £26m.
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LAST year the British Transport Commission's road and rail services earned 1-4 £26.3m. More than in 1952. Of this sum, British Road Services provided £2.6m., the nationalized bus companies £2.3m., the railways, including their collection and delivery services, 9.6m., and London Transport, £1.8m.

Total revenue from road and rail services amounted to £623,656,000, compared with £597,316,000 in 1952. B.R.S. revenue increased from £76,450,000 to £79,019,000, railway receipts from £395,886,000 to £415,088,000, railway collection and delivery revenue from £11,222,000 to £11,630,000, nationalized road passenger, transport receipts from -£47;466,000 to £49,811,000, and London Transport's takings from £66,292,000 to £68,108,000. . • •

B.R.S.• revenue. rose despite a drop of over 2m. in tonnage carried, with a corresponding reduction of nearly 31m. in mileage. in the -48 weeks. to November 29 last, B.R.S1 carried 36.7m. tons, :compared with 38.8m. tons in the corresponding period of 1952, and ran 626.9m. miles, contrasted with 657.7m. miles. Over the year, the total operating stock of B.R.S. fell from 39,401 to 35,630.