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Personal Pars MR, ALFRED BARNES, M.P., Minister of Transport, is

15th August 1947, Page 29
15th August 1947
Page 29
Page 29, 15th August 1947 — Personal Pars MR, ALFRED BARNES, M.P., Minister of Transport, is
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president of the road transport advisory committee of the National Savings Committee for 1947-8. MR. E. S. SHRAPNELL-SMITH, C.B.E,, is chairman and MR. HAROLD E. CLAY vice-chairman,

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Holdsworth, Ltd., will be elected Mayor of Halifax in November. Apart from his strenuous activities on behalf of the Road Haulage Association, he is chairman of Halifax Corporation's passenger transport committee.

MR. R. H. RIDLER, one of a number of service representatives appointed to assist Dunlop distributors and users, has

just left on an extended tour of the Caribbean area, including Colombia, Venezuela, Central America, and Mexico, in addition to Cuba and the British West Indies,

Ma. W. D. KINNEAk, manager of the Hull service depot of Albion Motors, Ltd., has been appointed assistant depot manager at Sheffield as from September 1. He is succeeded at Hull by MR. E. M. B. STEWART, who was formerly at the Albion depot in Edinburgh and latterly has been on the sales staff of the head office at Scotstoun, Glasgow.

MR. J. H. DODGSON, export manager of Guy Motors, Ltd., has returned from a visit to Holland, during which he covered nearly 2,000 miles in calling upon users of Guy vehicles. He was accompanied by MR. PETER Pc JoNG, director of De Nederlandsche Motoren Mij, N.V. He plans to visit Holland again in December to meet more Guy operators.

METAL SPRAYING ECONOMIZES IN SPARES QCARCITY of spare parts and the strict economy necessary in the allocation of steel have emphasized the importance of metal spraying. Processes of this kind will be demonstrated by the Metallizing Equipment Co., 58-60, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, at the Engineering and Marine Exhibition at Olympia from August 28-September 13. Their application in reclaiming crankshafts, camshafts, swivel pins, pump shafts, and axle and other bearings will be shown.