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Tanker discharge lock

14th May 1976, Page 56
14th May 1976
Page 56
Page 56, 14th May 1976 — Tanker discharge lock
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A NEW DEVICE has been announced which locks the braking system of a tanker as soon as the discharge or loading connections are opened.

Designed and built in Clarke Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, by Progressive Engineering Ltd the device is claimed to prevent a driver accidentally moving away from the terminal while the hose is still connected.

A simple swinging barrier obstructs the pipe connection at the discharge point. Moving the barrier allows access but also automatically activates a built-in valve which applies the brakes.

The patented design allows a choice of three systems to be fitted to the vehicle.

One evacuates all air from the emergency line—thus applying all brakes on both tractor and trailer. Another cuts off air from the distributor to apply the rear brakes only and the third includes a sealed unit override which can be deliberately operated to allow immediate movement of the vehicle in an emergency such as a loading bay fire. The cost of the unit is £48.