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News and Comment.

14th May 1914, Page 10
14th May 1914
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Page 10, 14th May 1914 — News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.

Not only coachbuilders, but all those who are occasionally worried with the expense and delay involved in the replacement of damaged bodywork, will be interested in a new method of coachbuilding by means of gauze foundation and wood-cement plastering which is described and fully illustrated on pages 248 and 249 of this issue.

Data with regard to the fuel consumption of the competitors in the Light Car Reliability Trials, recently concluded in the Isle of Man, have now been published by the R.A.C. • They are of considerable interest to the users of the comparable models which arc now being employed for light vans. The G.W.K., one of the gold medallists, put up a record of 36.17 m.p.g.

Damage to Petrol Cans.

Thu British Petroleum Co., Ltd., again draws attention to the inexcusable misuse of petrol cans by drivers and others, when the bottom at one can is applied to remove the faucet of another_ This wellknown company emphasizes the faet that such action is disastrous to thc can which is used as a lever.

Reduced Tire Prices.

We are advised by Wood-Milne Ltd., of Preston, that it has decided, in part by reason of the high mileages which are being achieved by its Wood-Milne solid rubber tires, to revise quotations. Its latest list shows reduceri prices which cannot fail to be of interest to owners of heavy motors of all kinds.

C.M.U.A. Parade.

We are not able to make space for the complete list of subkriptions to the General and other C.M.U.A.

Prize Funds. The first list was published in our issue of the 26th Februaay, and we have announced certain additional contributions in later issues. The following are donations which have not hitherto been mentioned :—To the General Fund: The Autovan Maintenance Co., Messrs. Butler and Crispe, the Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd., and Whitbread and Co., Ltd., S.:2 28. each ; Brampton Bros., Ltd., Brown Bros., Ltd., Fry Bros., Ltd., Hamilton and Co., Ltd., Mess's. William Harland and Son, W. Parkyn and Sons, Ltd., Selfridge and Co., Ltd., Smith Parfrey and Co., Ltd., Sutton and Co., Ltd., Cannon and Gaze, Ltd., and the X.Y.Z. Transport Ltd., 21 is. each. To the Special Fund : French's Motor Works, Ltd., 2s. e6 We learn that one of the latestpattern Aveling windscreens has been fitted to a Commerear belonging to Lever Bros., Ltd.

The Royal Automobile Association has increased its grant to the Roads Improvement Association for the year 1914 to 1200, and the Society of l‘ifetor _Manufacturers and Traders has voted 1:100, whilst the Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union has voted ..C21. These donations are to the ordinary funds of the Association.

Unique's New Address.

We are pleased to draw attention to the fact that the Motor Carrier and Cycle Ce. have now moved into their new works at Clapham. Old Town, Clapham, SAV., is the postal address, and the new telephone number is Battersea 1553.

It will be recalled that we described the interesting Unique chassis in our issue for the 12th of February. An interesting repeat order received by the company is for a traveller's brougham from Messrs. William Lee and Son, 9, Old Jewry Chambers, E.C. The Unique chassis should be well adapted for employment of this kind. The Briton Motor Co (1912), Ltd., has paid a dividend of 15 per cent. per annum for its last financial year. -This company is now paying increasing attention to its light-van branch, with gratifying results.

An Old Customer of Hora's.

It may interest many of our readers to learn that the StrakerSquire lorry used by Mrs. James in her watercress business, about which we printed an interesting article a fortnight ago in our " What Users Tell Us " series, was supplied and fitted throughout by Messrs. E. and H. Hora, Ltd., 36a, Peckham Road, the well-known coach-builder. Mrs. James is an old customer of the latter company and she naturally solicited its help when requiring a commercial vehicle.

Road Users in Conference.

A conference of the Joint Committee of Mechanical Road Transport Associations was held at the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, on Tuesday of last week, following the Budget speech of Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Shrapnell-Sniith in the chair. It was decided that the proceedings should be regarded as private.

We may remark that the members of the above Committee represent the following bodies :—The Agricultural Engineers Society ; The Showrnens Guild ; The National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association ; The Royal Agricultural Society of England ; and The Commercial Motor TJsers Association.

The Road Problem, Capt. H. H. P. Deasy-, who has devoted many years of study to the truffle problem, and who is himself responsible for an ingenious system or direction posts, has issued an interesting pamphlet entitled " The Problem of -Road Traffic: its Solution." This is published by E. J. Larby, 1, Paternoster Avenue, E.C., at 0d. net.


As evidence of the interest which is shown abroa.d in the British development of the light-van and parcelcar type of commercial motor, we are pleased to note that AutoCarriers 09111. Ltd., has delivered over 50 of its three-wheelers within the last twelve months for use in the Paris streets, while at the present moment there are orders in the Thames Ditton shops for Roumania, Barcelona, China, Italy, the Argentine, and Portugal.

An Alternative to Railways.

Mr. Harcourt Clare, Clerk to the Lancashire County Council, speaking at a luncheon on the occasion of the Rufropti Agricultural Show hisi, week, remarked that county councils and other local authorities would soon seriously have to consider the development of their road systems as an antidote to exces

sive railway charges. This was one Of the great questions, which, to 'his mind, was now in the forefront of public affairs. Much railway practice seriously hampered industry and trade, and he was in favour of development of main roads in order that services of heavy motor vehicles, to carry agricultural products and goods from the • point of production to the point of • 2onsumption, without double handling at both ends, could be maintained. He asked the ratepayers to consider whether such a course would not be advantageous in bringing farmers better within reach of the great town markets, and whether it would not increase both the produce of the land and the prosperity of agriculture.

C.M.U.A. Committee.

The usual monthly meeting of the General Committee of the C.M.U.A. was held at 89, Pall Mall, S.W., on Wednesday, the 6th inst. Pre.qpnt.—Colonel R. E. Crompton (Chairman), Colonel T. J. Kearns, Colonel C. F. T. Blyth. Messrs. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, W. H. Willcox, J. C. Mitchell, T. E. Harrison, T. H. Jones, Chas. Wheeler,. Walter Wolsey. Junr., T. B. Browne, Geo. F. Fry, Junr., Herbert Cannon, L. G. Oldfield, H. Lyon Thomson, E. E. Rudge, D. S. Kennedy, F. R. de Bertodano, A. Redgrave, and F. G. Bristow (Secretary).

afticers.—The following officers were re-appointed : Chairman.

Colonel R. E. Crompton ; TiceChairmen, Messrs. W. G. Lobjoit and ii. Lyon Thomson ; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. E. S. Shra.pnell-Smith ; Solicitors, Messrs. Joynson-Hicks, Hunt, Moore. and Cardew ; ; Secretary, Mr. Frederick G. Bristow, F.C.I. S.

D rt. rs' Regis ter.—M r. T. E. Harrison suggested that a register of drivers out of employment should be established by the C.M.U.A. It was resolved that the matter should be referred to a. Sub-Committee consisting of Messrs. G. F. Fry, Junr.. T. E. Harrison, T. H. Jones, and H. Lyon Thomson.

Eltric Vehicle Committee.—Mr, E. S. Shrapnell-Smith reported the present position in regard to the work of the Electric Vehicle Committee of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association.

Peg•nde.—Mr. T. B. Browne presented the interim report of the Parade. Committee. The entries showed an all-round increase over last year. The Victoria Palace had been taken for an entertainment to theodrivers on Whit-Monday afternodn, and the Championship prizes were to be given away on the stage. It had been decided to hold the official luncheon at the R.A.C. Two prizes were being awarded to the two highest-marked C.M.U.A. enrolled drivers, and Mr. ShrapnellSmith had offered a silver cup for the owner of the vehicle of which the (body-work... displayed the best scheme of advertising. Additional contributions to the Prize Funds were reported.

Joint Committee of Mechanical Road Transport o ciatio as.— r. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith reported the proceedings of a meeting of this Committee held on the 5th May.

Fmanee.—The recommendation of the Finance Committee that an order be given for first-aid outfits was confirmed. The financial statement for the month of April, 1914, was received and considered satisfactory.

New Members.—Thirty-five new members were elected.

The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., is now officially manufacturer of motorcar tires to His Majesty the King of Spain, A Recent Registration.

J. B. Rothwell and Co. (Darwin), Ltd. (E3000), with its offices at 37, Durham Road, Damen, Lanes. Business, motor-haulage contractors.

20,600 Mile Chains.

Bent's Brewery Co., Ltd., of Stone! Staffordshire, has been using a, three-ton Halley lorry with great satisfaction, and, incidentally, the district manager, Mr. A. II. _Dunn, in a letter which he addressed to the Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., on the 2nd inst., remarks that the original pair of chains has completed 20,600 miles. A new pair has nowbeen ordered through the Harris Motor Co., LW., of Burslem.

To Carry Bulky but Light Loads.

Opposite, on this page, we illustrate a very remarkable example of special automobile construction, which the sales manager of the Sternberg Manufacturing Co. informs us never fails to attract tremendous interest in the city of Ch:,cago, although there are 4000 other conunercial vehicles there.

The photograph itself almost tells its own tale. It is believed that the machine in question is the largest of its type in America. The total length of the truck overall is 29 ft. 5 ins. ; it is of 3-ton capacity and the body is of what is known As the stake type of construction— much used in North America.. The wheelbase is 17 ft. 4 ins., the frame is 25 ft. 8 ins, from the back of the seat to the rear end, and the total length of the body is 24 ft. To propel this capacious chassis, a 41 in. by 6:,1 in. engine is installed. -The final gear reduction is 7.9 to L

For Carrying "Chocs."

Fullers, the celebrated sweetmeat makers and confectioners, will shortly own four Albion delivery vans. They have just placed an order for a fourth machine, solely as the result of being entirely satisfied with the three vehicles of similar make which they have been running for some time.

The Naughton Cooling-water Temperature Indicator.

We were recently afforded an OPportunily of inspecting a novel indieator invented by A. Tothill-Naughs ton, of the Omnimn Motor ;Co.. Ltd.. 198, Great Portland Street, W. It, consists cf a neat and small plug which is screwed into some part. of the water-cooling system, such as a branch pipe or the radi

ator. This plug is fitted with a devic.te somewhat similar to a mercury thermometer, which, if the temperature of the cooling-water c12 rise above a certain amount, causes a blue lamp to light up on the dashboard ; in effect it is an automatic switch, the cuIrent fox the lamp being obtained from any convenient source such as a lighting dynamo. We are told that with this indicator the slightest fault in the water-circulating or lubricating systems becomes at once apparent, and that even such defects as too rich a mixture or a fan-belt's breaking can be detected, though of course not diag nosed.