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Pugh has plan for high visibility discs

14th March 1996, Page 7
14th March 1996
Page 7
Page 7, 14th March 1996 — Pugh has plan for high visibility discs
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by Karen Miles • A high visibility, self-destructing 0-licence sticker designed to highlight cowboy operators is being considered by the Department of Transport. The scheme is the idea of Traffic Commissioner John Mervyn Pugh and would make it easier to identify 0-licence dodgers from the roadside. Pugh believes that current 0-licence discs are not visible enough.

The new white sticker would carry the expiry date in figures large enough to be clear to observers from yards away. Other details, including the owner's name and address, registration number and the issuing traffic office would be in smaller print. A series of cuts in the sticker would mean that it would fall apart when removed from the windscreen, ensuring that it can be used on only one vehicle.

The new design was first submitted by Pugh to the DOT a year ago and a decision on its implementation is expected soon.

However, the DOT has already missed the first suggested date, which was to coincide with the introduction of continuous licensing at the beginning of the year.

Michael Betts, who will take up his post as senior traffic commissioner in May, says: "I think it is an excellent proposal and I hope that the DOT decides to proceed with it."