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Anyone for Antigua?

14th March 1996, Page 35
14th March 1996
Page 35
Page 35, 14th March 1996 — Anyone for Antigua?
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0 eaders going on holiday to sun-soaked Antigua in the ' Caribbean may be .somewhat surprised to encounter a pair of venerable British double deck buses when they step offllw aircraft onto the blistering tarn= In fact, the buses have been exported to the island by an American firm, British Promotions, which satisfies far flung requirements for British nosta‘gia by refurbishing old British buses

This pair of instantly-recognisable Bristol PLFS have been given a new lease of lite by the addition of renumufactured Gardner 6LXB engines and are in use as airsi de shuttle transporters I bel they're enjoying the long sunny days of their retirement as only vehicles with such character can