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McGuigan faces up to Cleanaway

14th March 1996, Page 10
14th March 1996
Page 10
Page 10, 14th March 1996 — McGuigan faces up to Cleanaway
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Ex-boxer Barry McGuigan is to lead the fight against a new waste disposal site in Kent which would mean up to 400 new lorry movements a day on the county's rural roads. Once Cleanaway submits its proposals to Kent County Council, the former featherweight world boxing champion will begin his fight in earnest against the prospect of a 350-acre landfill and incinerator site.

McGuigan has a large house about 1,200 yards from the proposed site at Lamberhurst Farm, Dargate near Faversham.

"Over 400 lorries a day will mean a huge catastrophe for the environment— destruction of mammoth

proportions," says McGuigan. "We will fight to the bitter end on

this this dumping site is not going to happen."