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House Coal Delivered by Hopper

14th July 1950, Page 35
14th July 1950
Page 35
Page 35, 14th July 1950 — House Coal Delivered by Hopper
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ANEW type of coal-retailing vehicle is being used experimentally in this country by Lowell Baldwin, Ltd., Bristol. The machine has been produced by the Welsh Anthracite Co., Belgium, and has been imported on a " visiting " licence.

The vehicle has a 5-ton hopper which can be loaded in 10 minutes by grab: The machine is operated by two men and it screens, bags, weighs and registers the coal in front of the customer. Screenings are collected in a container and returned to the depot. Other advantages are that weighing is automatic and retailing entails flitch simple and its more general adoption, it is considered, will be a further step towards complete mechanical handling of retail coal in this country. The grab system of loading would appear to be better and quicker than that of the conveyor belt, which was used in the trials.

It is understood that arrangements for the manufacture of the equipment are being made should it be introduced for regular use.

Mr. Peter Baldwin, who is responsible for bringing over the machine, thinks that in certain districts it will be extremely useful.

With the conveyor-belt method of loading, two men can deliver retail 15 tons in a day. Using the grab system, 18 tons to 20 tons can be delivered. Each bag, when filled, is raised mechanically to the height required for carrying into the house.

The system effects a great saving in coal bags, because those in