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One in Two Routes Run at a Loss

14th July 1950, Page 31
14th July 1950
Page 31
Page 31, 14th July 1950 — One in Two Routes Run at a Loss
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Q OM E 50 per cent, of the services of 0–.)Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., are unremunerative, said Mr. R. P Beddow, M.Inst.T., chairman, at the company's annual general meeting this week.

In the year ended March 31, a record number of over 121,000,000 passengers had been carried—at fares substantially equal to those in force during the 1914-18 war. The gross revenue seas also a record, but the company's position was maintained only as a result of strenuous efforts to stabilize expenses, which had been steadily rising. The increased fuel tax would cost the concern an extra £136,000 a year.

Mr. Beddow referred to the good relations that were maintained with the railways. During the winter and spring, he said, while the Bo-Peep railway tunnel at St. Leonards was closed for repairs, the company provided special road services for railway passengers.