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One Hears—

14th July 1950, Page 29
14th July 1950
Page 29
Page 29, 14th July 1950 — One Hears—
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Of Taxi in Dock "as the heading of a paragraph in a daily paper.

That the vehicle was not in a court, but actually fell into a dock.

That there may be a sting in the black-and-yellowband marking for certain street signposts.

That "The Royal" exhibits have cheered many a pessimist who thought British craftsmanship was going downhill. That the Road Haulage Association now has over

18,000 members. •

That the big chiefs in the U.S.A. are now known as "platinum hats."

That London Transport's T.I.M. machines issue over 9,000,000 tickets daily.

That their success has prompted an order for a further 1.000.

That Unipower, Ltd., is making Rzeppa universal joints in *-in. to 2i-in, shaft sizes. • That there were large entries for the neatest-andcleanest-vehicle competition at Bootle carnival.

Of operators who hope that the vogue for neatness and cleanliness will gain ground.

That the General Post Office is considering the fitting of oil units to part of its petrol-engined fleet.

That it is beginning to dawn on many workers that the socialist nationalization of industries has not created the promised Utopia.

That a main-road surface drain, so blocked with earth that grass is growing up through the grid, is no feather in a local surveyor's cap.

Of an old reader wondering if " H.A.B. " of Rotherham, who used to specialize in road-side repair tips, is still in the land of make-do-and-mend.