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Stuarts Furnishers (Removals) Ltd. Cap.: £1,000. Dirs.: Douglas H. Coles, 17 St. John Terrace, Newport PagnelL John C. Stone, 14 Hill Views, Nettenton Road, Newport Pagnell. Sec.: S. H. Davis. Reg. Office: 19 St. John Street, Newport Pagoell, Bucks.
Roadhaul Ltd. Cap.: £1,000, Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Subs.: Mrs. Evelynne M. Dessington, 34 Mainwaring Drive, Saltney, Chester. Dorothy Greenhalgh, 4 Judges Drive, Liverpool, 6. Director of Baden Engineering Co. Ltd. Reg. Office: Sutton Road, St. Helens.
B. H. King and Son Transport Ltd. Cap,: £5,000 in El shares. Subs.: Basil H. King, and Mrs. Eileen G. King, both of 28, Silverdale Street, Kempston, Bedford. Solicitor: S. J. Green, Cambridge. Reg. Office: Shuttleworth Road, Goldington, Bedford. G. R. L Transport Ltd. Cap.: £1,000. Dirs.: L. H. Craddock, 29 Chester Road, Shire Oak, Browehills, Staffs. R. L. Craddock, 64 Seeds Lane, Brownhills, Staffs. Graham D. Craddock, 51 Broadway, Walsall. Sec.: L. H. Craddock, Reg. Office: 77 Coppice Road, Walsall, Wood, Staffs.
Debfine Transport Ltd. Cap.: E1,000 in £1 shares. Dirs.: Ian C. Walker, Virginia Cottage, Bishop Burton, E. Yorks. Sidney P. Walker, and Mrs. Effie K. Walker, both of White Lodge, Woodlands Rise, N. Ferriby. Jack Mennell, and Brian Mennen. Sec.: C. E. L Townend. Reg. Office: 27/8 Scale Lane, HulL Container Cargo Ltd. Cap.: £1,000 in £1 shares. Objects: To carry on the business of handlers of container cargo, etc. Subs.: (Each with one share) Jean Herbert and Thomas A. Herbert, both of 7IA City Road, Ed. Sec.: T. A. Herbert.
Hull Euroscau Ltd. (as a company limited by guarantee without share capital). Original number of members is 50 each liable for £20 in the event of winding up. Objects: To enter into an agreement with Trans-European Pallet Services (Great Britain) Ltd. To operate inland container depots, etc. The income and Property of The Association, whencesoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objects. Subs.: Wm. Brown, Atkinson and Co. Ltd., Ocean Chambers, 54 Loy/gate, Hull. Channelfiow Freight Services Ltd., Cree House, Creechurch Lane, EC3. Sol.: P. F. Bihon, Hull. Reg. Office: Seaton's Buildings, Jameson Street, Hull.
C. and S. Ward Ca, Ltd. Cap.: £100. Dirs.: C. E. Ward, S. J. Ward, 52, Ederberry Road, Fairwater, Cardiff, Sec.: C. E. Ward. Reg. Office: 113 Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Westwood Commercial Vehicles Ltd. Cap.: £3,000. Objects: To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motor vehicles, etc. Dirs.: G. Westwood, 94 Carrwood, Hale Barns, Ches. J. S. Holloway, Oaken Lodge, Codsall, Wolverhampton. Sec.: G. Westwood. Reg. Office: Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, Lancs.
Industrial Waste Disposals (Sheffield) Ltd. Cap.: £100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Subs.: C. E. Sweet, 19 Furniss Avenue, Dore, Sheffield. P. Gillingham, 11 Blackstock Close, Sheffield, 14. Sole.: Slater Elliott Todd Cooper and Co., 12 and 20 Paradise Square, Sheffield.
Nucor Haulage Ltd., Cap.: £1,000. Subs.: S. Flenman, 14 Clifton Gardens, N15. H. II. Johnson, 28 Fifth Avenue, W10. Sec.: S. Feldman.