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How tough is tough?

13th June 1996, Page 31
13th June 1996
Page 31
Page 31, 13th June 1996 — How tough is tough?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

T noted your report on 1 Belgian driver Eddie de Meersrnan, who appealed his three-year sentence for killing a 20-year-old motorcyclist after falling asleep at the wheel (CM16-22 May), You reported that drivers can expect tough sentences.

In the East Anglian Daily Times on 16 May there was a report of a case at Stowmarket magistrates court where a driver fell asleep, left the road, went through a fence and collided with a second lorry injuring the driver, who needed hospital treatment.

He said in mitigation that a relief driver failed to turn up. He was fined only £120 for driving without due care and attention and had six penalty points on his licence. He was also fined £160 for insufficient rest.

This does not seem like a "get tough" policy to me— the police probably think it was all a waste of time.

Also in CM (16-22 May) was an article on long hours. I agree that 15-hour days are long days, but if drivers' hours are shortened this will only affect the honest haulier and make no difference to the cowboys, who make drivers work 18 to 20-hour days.

We must have more enforcement to stop the 18 to 20-hour days before we worry about the 12 to 15hour days.

PN Parr, Brandon, Suffolk,