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Keeping TABS on valuable loads

13th June 1996, Page 28
13th June 1996
Page 28
Page 28, 13th June 1996 — Keeping TABS on valuable loads
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• Logistics specialist LIS has devised what it describes as a cost-effective and reliable means of tracking high-value assets such as containers, through the supply chain. The new system, known as TABS, uses touch memory buttons and the rugged LIS DOS-based wireless and batch hand-held terminals to cap

ture and communicate data in the field. Keeping track of rollcages, synthetic pallets and collapsible tote boxes, together with establishing ownership, assigning responsibility and even recording contents, is all possible with the TABS system.The touch memory buttons (small stainless steel discs) are attached to each container, cage or pallet and contain a guaranteed unique 48digit serial number. Other information can be stored and all can be updated dynamically which sets the system apart from bar codes.Contact: 01628 859800.